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Studying the traditions of foreign countries helps not only to learn their history but also to understand the mentality of their citizens and to broaden the mind. Great Britain is famous for its commitment to the traditions. There are a lot of them: some are known all around a world, some are purely local. The monarchy, parliament, foxhunting, holidays, and some everyday habits – all this things are proofs that the British revere their past.
Christmas in Great Britain is such a holiday period that is beloved by the people of all ages, professions and interests. As everyone knows Christmas in Britain is celebrated on December 25. Christmas season begins with Advent – a pre-Christmas fasting that begins 4 weeks before the holiday. However, spirit of Christmas is felt in the autumn, in October. At this time, the majority of young Britons write letters to Father Christmas.
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Many traditions are remembered in Britain. Some of them are nice, others are funny. But they are loved by British people. They make their lives especial.
Christmas is a holiday of happiness and kindness. The traditions help to save its main purpose – to give each other attention and love.
The globalization changes our life and our habits. We borrow many things from other cultures, not always positive, and the traditions to celebrate this grandiose holiday helps British not to lose their originality and special mentality in the modern world. It is worthy of respect and imitation.
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