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Introduction 3
What are the United Arabic Emirates? 5
The Government System in the United Arabic Emirates 6
State Audit Institution in the United Arabic Emirates 8
The United Arabic Emirates in the International Area 10
Conclusion 12
Bibliography 13
This research work is devoted to the government control in the United Arabic Emirates.
This topic is actual nowadays because we have to communicate with people of different countries who have their own unique views, religions, governments and systems of ruling, customs and traditions and we should understand them. So it’s useful to learn all the things I’ve just enumerated above. It helps us to get on well with people who seem very different, unusual and often strange to us.
The aim of the work is to study the government system and the structure of State Audit Institution in the country and to find out their specific features and their aims. I also would like other people to get acquainted with such a unique and unusual country as The United Arabic Emirates are in order that people of other very different to this one countries aren’t be afraid of people from the UAE and can get on well with them and understand them better.
The tasks of this research work are:
1. Studying of the government system and especially the State Audit Institution of the country.
2. Studying of different sources of information of the given theme.
3. Identifying of features and aims of the government system and the state audit institutions in the country.
4. Making conclusions.
Planning this work I’m going to do the following:
1. First of all I’ll study different sources of information on the topic.
2. Then I’ll try to find out some interesting little-known and extraordinary facts.
3. The next step will be making conclusions based on the accumulated information.
4. And at last I’ll make a brief report on the theme and show it to the audience of my fellow students and my teachers.
The object of researching in my work is the government system of the United Arabic Emirates and its state audit institutions.
The subject of my researching work is different resources of information. They include books, articles, audio and video materials, magazines, newspapers and things.
Methods of working which I’m going to use in my research may contain the following things:
1. First I’ll find all the necessary information I’ll be able to get from various different resources and study it all thoroughly.
2. Then I’m going to analyze all the information on the theme and make conclusions.
3. And at last I’ll give my own opinion on the topic of my research.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Summing up all the information on the theme first let’s remember in brief what we already have learnt about the United Arabic Emirates itself, its policy, culture and government systems, its State Audit Institutions and its role in the international area.
As you see the United Arabic Emirates is a unique country quite unlike our countries. It has its own unique culture, customs and traditions and its specific government system. It’s rather difficult to understand all the peculiarities of the country and each aspect of its life because the UAE itself and its way of living are very different from our ones. I’ve tried to show the main aspects in various spheres of the UAE. And I hope that this information will be useful. It’ll help people to understand each other better, to get on well with each other and to share our best experiences.
I also hope that it’s interesting to know more about the government system of the United Arabic Emirates and the State Audit Institution of the country. From one hand this part of information is very useful because the UAE plays great role in the financial sphere in the international area. The country is rich in mineral resources and especially in oil which is in the first place in the rank of world natural resources and its stock determines the funds of the country. From the other hand the information on the topic is also unusual because there are only few countries in the world where we can find combinations of different styles of ruling and strict control. And the United Arabic Emirates is such an example. There we can see federal government and absolutely monarchy and the Republic at the same time. And all this systems of ruling go hand in hand with strict honest control in each sphere of living and especially finance and law. And there we can find such unique and unusual organization as the State Audit Institution which keeps all the financial system of the state in order and oversees all the financial crimes and violations. And I would like that most of the countries in the world learn from the experience of the UAE in the sphere of SAI.
Список литературы
1. www.sai.gov.ae
2. Linda Low, Lorraine Carlos Salazar “The Gulf Cooperation Council: a Rising Power and Lessons”, “ISEAS”, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2011.
3. Мелкумян Е. С. «Регион Персидского залива в мировой политике: история и современность», журнал «Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского», № 3, 2015 г.
4. www.intosai.org
5. www.yestravel.ru
6. www.track.unodc.org
7. Густерин П. В. «Города Арабского Востока: энциклопедический справочник», «Восток-Запад», Москва, 2007
8. Материалы проектно-учебной лаборатории антикоррупционной политики Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики», 2014 г.
9. Марина Лермонтова «Регистрация компании в ОАЭ и антикоррупционное законодательство», «Ведущий корпоративный портал оффшорной индустрии на русском языке», 2017
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