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1. Заголовок: «I saw the darkness of antisemitism, but I never thought it would get this dark» …втексте: « As I have written about the darkness on the left before, I am not going to crow now that it has turned darker than even I predicted». [The Guardian, 30-04-2016].
2. Заголовок: «New simulation could shed light on dark energy and expansion of the universe» … Dubbed “gevolution”, the tool will for the first time allow researchers to take into account the effect of ripples in spacetime - known as gravitational waves - and could help shed light on dark energy, the mysterious force driving the universe’s accelerated expansion. [The Guardian, 07-03-2016].
3. Заголовок: «BBC's His Dark Materials series to 'sound every note' in Philip Pullman’s novels» … встатье: «His Dark Materials is a stunning trilogy, and a drama event for young and old – a real family treat, that shows our commitment to original and ambitious storytelling.»[The Guardian, 03-11-2015].
4. «Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs by Lisa Randall review – when will another asteroid wreak havoc on Earth?» … Dark matter does, however, feel the force of gravity, and this has enabled astronomers to observe its effects on ordinary matter in galaxies, as the ordinary matter tugged across the cosmos by the gravitational pull of unseen dark material. The challenge is to more fully understand dark matter and to map out its presence, often in clusters, across the universe. [The

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

1. «The obscure origin of an IVF breakthrough»… Then, just over a decade ago, a Ukrainian gynaecologist, Alex Barash, came to hear of a study published in German, in an obscure scientific journal back in 1907, no less, in which a pathologist, Leo Loeb, reported how injecting an oily substance into the wall of a guinea pig’s womb caused its lining to proliferate. [The Telegraph, 07-10-2012].
2. «Wine Review: Obscure French grapes» … Yapp lists obscure grapes galore (anyone for sciacarello or egiodola?), often from tiny wineries that can't supply the supermarkets. [The Telegraph, 11-06-2012]
3. «London 2012: When the truth is obscured by tears of pride»… As we hurtle exultantly towards the halfway mark, which have been your most golden memories? Although writing with cheeks still damp from Katherine Grainger’s rowing win, and with due apologies to Wiggo, both of mine come from post-event chats with the previously obscure. [The Telegraph, 03-08-2012].
4. «David Cameron: 'AV unfair, undemocratic and obscure'» … Speaking in Swansea, before the May 5 AV referendum, the Prime Minister said: "It's a system so obscure that it is only used by three countries in the whole world: Australia, Fiji and Papua New Guinea.[The Telegraph, 01-04-2011].
5. « Noted reformer »… In 2002 Elizabeth Fry, described by the BBC as a “slightly obscure choice”, was depicted on the new 5 note. Obscure then, perhaps, but the time for her vision has surely now come.[The Times, 12-02-2016].
6. « Hull keeper’s heroics frustrate Gunners» ELDIN JAKUPOVIC has a CV that looks almost as if it is fictional: that of the archetypal, obscure, journeyman Euro-goalkeeper. [The Times, 21-02-2016].
7. « To call the BBC biased is dangerously wrong » … A few days before that, an obscure website established by people who support Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership accused the BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, of taking her anti-Labour bias to the level of propaganda.[The Times, 12-05-2016].
8. «Public invited to solve mysteries behind obscure English sites» … Historic England, the body responsible for listing historic structures, is for the first time inviting the public to fill some of the gaps about the more curious and obscure buildings and structures on its register. [The Guardian, 07-06-2016].
9. «The obscure legal system that lets corporations sue countries »He is the lawyer for the defence in an obscure but increasingly powerful field of international law – where foreign investors can sue governments in a network of tribunals for billions of dollars. [The Guardian, 10-06-2015].
10. «US officials unclear on threat posed by obscure al-Qaida cell in Syria» … Hours after Tomahawk missiles slammed into buildings near Aleppo believed to be used by Khorasan, an obscure group said to be focused on exporting terrorism from Syria, the US military described it as involved in “imminent attack plotting” against western targets.[The Guardian, 25-09-2014]. (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/25/us-officials-terror-group-khorasan-syria)

Список литературы

1. «Britain can thrive outside EU even without trade deals» … The Treasury recently produced a gloomy blockbuster report on what will happen to the economy in the long term after Brexit.[The Times, 13-05-2016].
2. « Opera: Eugene Onegin at Garsington, Buckinghamshire» … Tom Piper’s set - five gloomy wooden walls, swung around in different configurations — evokes not so much the Russian countryside as a prehistoric fortress, though the barricades were cloaked with mirrors for the ball scene.[The Times, 06-06-2016].
3. « The Rise and Fall of American Growth by Robert J Gordon » … While Piketty was gloomy on how the cake of the world economy is sliced up — admitting that many of his remedies for redistribution were impractical — Gordon is gloomy on prospects for increasing the size of that cake. Growth might have hit the buffers, or is wading through treacle.[The Sunday Times, 31-01-2016]
4. « In Saddam's Former Jail, Cash Aid Allays Grim Routine for Refugees » … Some 1,000 Syrian refugees are sheltering in the gloomy fortress-like building in the northern town of Akre.[The New York Times, 05-06-2016].
5. « Weak Jobs Report Weighs on Wall Street, Bank Shares» … The S&P 500 is up about 2.7 percent in 2016 after a gloomy start to the year amid jitters about the global economy and a volatile oil market.[The New York Times, 03-06-2016]. (http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2016/06/03/business/03reuters-usa-stocks.html)
6. «Wawrinka Keeps Up Winning Run to Reach Paris Quarters» … In between all the sideshows, the reigning champion lit up a gloomy Roland Garros with his lurid day-glo yellow shirt as he reached the quarter-finals with a dazzling 7-6(5) 6-7(7) 6-3 6-2 win over Serbia's Viktor Troicki. [The New York Times, 29-05-2016].
7. «January retail surge gives way to gloomy February»… Retailers were gloomy despite a majority, including wholesalers, reporting that sales in February were up on the same month last year and that they expected an improvement in business conditions, which indicated higher orders and profitability over the next three months. [The Guardian, 24-02-2016].
8. «French are 'taught to be gloomy by their culture'» … France, once famous for its joie de vivre, is suffering from existential gloom – and the French have only themselves to blame for their malaise, according to a study to be presented in London next month. … Yet the French are gloomy. [The Guardian, 24-03-2013].
9. «UK economy: gloomy outlook for workers' pay rises» … The gloomy outlook for workers comes as business group the CBI has warned that the economy is losing steam, cutting its growth forecasts for this year and next, and retail industry figures have revealed continuing trouble on the high street. [The Guardian, 16-03-2016].
10. «Why a gloomy outlook could be the key to beating stress» And while most modern advice suggests that staying upbeat is the key to happiness, the new study suggests that a gloomy outlook could also have a positive impact on overall mental wellbeing. [The Telegraph, 29-03-2013].
11. «Cyprus: 'people are very gloomy here'» … As the Cypriot leader and eurozone finance ministers decide the fate of the island, the Telegraph's Nick Squires in Nicosia says that the residents are "very gloomy" about their future. [The Telegraph, 24-03-2013].
12. «BOC slides on gloomy news for recovery» The gloomy comments overshadowed a financial performance that was ahead of analysts' expectations, and BOC shares fell 12.5 to 839p. [The Telegraph, 06-08-2003].
13. «Beale gloomy as heatwave shrinks sales» … In a gloomy trading update, Beale said like-for-like sales during the seven weeks of the summer sale to late July fell 8pc. [The Telegraph, 21-08-2003].

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