
The UK economy today

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Дата создания 2015
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The most remarkable phenomenon that characterizes the UK's economy has been the growth of services. It reflects the increase in the real income of the population, as well as the relationship between spending on goods and services. Benefit especially the financial sector and entertainment sector and tourism. While some services, such as public transportation, laundry facilities and movie theaters to reduce the specific level of income due to moving in the direction of their own products, such as cars, washing machines and televisions, it has helped develop service sector, which sell and repair these products. Other service sectors, which increased demand, include hotels, tourism, retail trade, finance and leisure. Many others sectors, and was formerly a small fraction of the market or exist at all, are much more significant. These include manufacture of computers and software, advertising, research market, exhibitions, presentations and conferences.

British attitude to the economy
Public opinion polls have shown changes in the economic climate in 2012 year with all the ups and downs of the economy in this period. In general, people satisfied with the government when the economy is booming and not happy when it is in relative decline. The economic situation in the country concerned by the large number of British especially as they are concerned about unemployment, closed factories, reduced volumes industrial production, inflation, prices and taxes. Some people believe that Government can do much more in terms of reducing unemployment and the capital investment in the industry. Save a place work was the main criterion for its choice: it is much more concerned about unemployment more than self-assertion in the workplace, working conditions and prospects growth. However, surveys have shown that 82% of workers are confident in the safety of their workplace, and only 10% are seriously concerned about this problem.

Regional economic development
Regional economic policy designed to improve economic growth and competitiveness in the whole of the UK.34% of the labor force works in the areas receiving extra assistance from the state. The main objectives of the regional policy are:
The creation and preservation of jobs;
Attract foreign investment;
Improving the competitivenes of weaker regions.
In 2009-2013, for the purpose had been spent around 1.5 billion pounds Sterling. One of the important problems of regional policy is to assist in creating links between different sectors of the economy. Businesses can develop mutual benefit from a common infrastructure and maintain close ties with research institutions, such as Cambridge and Oxford. An example of such a "fusion" of science and production may be the biotechnology sector.

The British pride themselves quite different from any other nation in the world. They still adhere to the strange customs, such as left-hand drive or the game of cricket. They reluctantly switched to a decimal system of measures Change your adorable pint per liter, and inches to centimeters. Until 1971 at the they acted wild three-level non-decimal monetary system, according to which account for the dinner could look like "four pounds six shillings and seven halfpennies. "While the rest of Europe measures the distance in kilometers, Britons still cling to their miles, but now they buy fabric meters, not yards. Logic - not the most prominent feature of British character. Between Britain and the rest of Europe, there is still a certain psychological barrier, no shot coming in the UK the European Union in 2003.

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