
Hamlet as a philosophical tragedy

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Дата создания 2018
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Chapter 1. Main conceptions in the “Hamlet” play…………………………………………
Section 1.1. A conception of death in the play……………………………………...
Section 1.2. A conception of mortality………………………………………………
Section 1.3. A reflection of murder in “Hamlet”…………………………………….
Section 1.4. Human destiny in the play……………………………………………..
Chapter 2. Through the centuries: then and now……………………………………………


There is no doubt about the greatness and uniqueness of each known writings of classic period. It’s quiet obviously that if so many products of classical period in art not only came to nowadays but are still able to make our souls thrill and our mindsets be amazed that may mean the classical art can do much more than it is supposed or expected to. William Shakespeare wrote “Hamlet” tragedy a lot of years ago, but even nowadays there are many answerless questions every one of us thinks about.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

There is nothing more amazing and interesting in the world of poems and plays like William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”. And this is not a kind of useless and empty words in the name of such great writer as the latter. We can think it over by ourselves, because millions of people adore this play. And they have so many reasons for that. But in this research work we direct the vector of the scientific study upon some unchangeable perpetual questions that disturb our minds for so long time.

Список литературы

1. Davis, T. (1921). The Sanity of Hamlet. The Journal of Philosophy,18(23), 629-634.
2. Hegel, W. (1975). Lectures on Aesthetics. Oxford University Press. New-York, 654.
3. Keys, F. (1918). Shakespeare and the Hour. The North American Review, 208(757), 881-893. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/25122079
4. Porter, R. (1999). The hour of Philippe Aries. Mortality, 4 (1), 47-55.
5. Shakespeare, W. (1996). Hamlet. New York: W.W. Norton, 379.
6. Snider, D. (1873). HAMLET. The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 7(1), 71-87. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/25665823
7. Toelken, B. (2000). Religion and Death. In McPherson R. (Ed.), Journey Of Navajo Oshley: An Autobiography and Life History. University Press of Colorado, 203-216
8. Tolman, A. (1898). A View of the Views about "Hamlet". PMLA, 13(2), 155-184.
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