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History of the heart of the USA:
Native Americans
European exploration
19th century
The land of Lincoln
Civil War
20th century
21st century
American governmental system includes fifty states and Washington D.C. Some American states form sharply identified natural units — the islands of Hawaii for example, or the Florida peninsula — and others, like Kansas or North Dakota, are bounded by lines traced across the endless plains of the Midwest as arbitrary as can be; Illinois, the first of the Great Plains states encountered by the early colonists, is somewhere in between. Six hundred kilometers long and three hundred wide and mostly flat, the state is defined by the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, and to a lesser extent, by an almost accidental afterthought as the Illinois statehood enabling act was pending before the U. S. Congress, by a bit of shoreline on Lake Michigan: which latter, now comprising the city of Chicago and its suburbs, became the tail that wags the dog, as it were.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Реферат по английскому языку про Иллинойс (США).
Список литературы
1) H. Cole, The era of the Civil War, 1848-1870, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2017
2) R. Jensen, Illinois: a history, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2019
3) H. John, A Guide to the History of Illinois, 2016
4) D. Kilduff, Illinois; History, government, geography, Chicago: Follett, 2018
5) A. Roger, Illinois: A History Of The Land And Its People, 2019
6) http://www/americancivilwar/illinois.org
7) http://www/illinois/history.com
8) http://www/nativeamericans.com
9) http://www/lincoln/illinois.org
10) http://www/greatdepression/illinois.com
11) http://www/illinoisfacts.com
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