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The linguists indicate that it is a word-changing or a changing code, that means, an alternation of both languages when speaking, with few rules and many variations of kind of lexical, and morphologic, syntactic and even discursive.
Incorporated in the mass media (radio and television programs, magazines and newspapers), as well as in films and music, and becoming an authentic literary movement, spanglish is any more only an oral phenomenon.
The impact that has supposed spanglish has aroused numerous controversies with respect to if Spanish or English can lose their purity and if spanglish is a legitimate language.
Spanglish is not the first language hybrid to appear in the United States, but it has taken hold in a way that other similar ways of speaking have not. Scinetists explains, "In many ways, one has to keep in mind that Spanglish is not unique, that every immigrant group that comes to a new culture or a new linguistic environment has to face the task of retaining, if that group is willing to, its connection with the immigrant tongue, but at the same time embrace the welcoming tongue, or the tongue of the new environment, and the tension between the two often results in all sorts of complications."
Spanglish is a hybrid "language" made up from Spanish by introducing English terms instead of translating them or by using wrong translations. With more than 35 million of Latin Americans, the United States is one of the most important region of Hispanic origin population in the world. Through the coexistence of Spanish with English is born spanglish.
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