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1. THE COMMON VIEW OF A BOOK…………………………………..4
2.2. THE SECOND SIDE OF COIN…………………………..………11
3. THE WAY TO HEDONISM…………………………………...………12
3.1. TO LOSE EVERYTHING………………………………………...13



The autobiography of Belfort "The Wolf of Wall Street" is a book with mixed reviews. This is either a financial treasury or psychological manipulation. The book is the memoirs of a man who have reached the peaks of wealth, and the confessions of a drug addict man. It is also evidence that one can be on the top, then to fall and then come back the top in a very short period of time.
The novel came out really big – a tour of the businessmen’ morality, thrilling cinematic story about people who have learned to monetize everything it touches. The most successful entrepreneurs tell in their autobiographies the same story about how they went hard to the goal, then, resting on laurels, to teach others to earn and to dispose of earned.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

1. The common view of a book

In the 1990s Jordan Belfort, former kingpin of the notorious investment firm Stratton Oakmont, became one of the most infamous names in American finance: a brilliant, conniving stock-chopper who led his merry mob on a wild ride out of the canyons of Wall Street and into a massive office on Long Island. Now, in this astounding and hilarious tell – all autobiography, Belfort narrates a story of greed, power, and excess that no one could invent.
From the stormy relationship Belfort shared with his model-wife as they ran a madcap household that included two young children, a full-time staff of twenty-two people, a pair of bodyguards, and hidden cameras everywhere – even as the SEC and FBI zeroed in on them – to the unbridled hedonism of his office life. Jordan Belfort cheats on his wives with prostitutes from across the economic spectrum.


How to do everything? Motivation is all you need in order to achieve significant success or the same failure. The only question is, what would you prefer – poverty and excuses or wealth and fame. As Belfort says: “You have to be with a strong inner core. You must have ambitions”.
The truth of Belfort’s advice looks contradictory, sometimes even sharp. But certain arrogance is an integral part of that one who wants to survive in the hard world of business.
According to Belfort, you shouldn’t merely set goals. You need something greater than goals. You need a vision.
A goal is something you accomplish. A vision is something you see. It is an entirely new world.
To create a vision, you must “step into (whatever goal it is that you’ve set) and ask what your world is going to be like.” Ask yourself what your world will look like.

2.1. The components of worthy life by Belford

1. Wealth is a way to be happy and good man
Having access to unlimited account, you can easily delight yourself, friends and strangers. You take in minutes what others take years. You use the services of the best specialists, and the geography is not a problem for you. You create a business, thousands of jobs and opportunities for others to become rich using "building material" – money. It pleases the soul and motivates to do more good deeds.
"Now that I'm rich, even if I have problems I solve them sitting in his limousine, dressed like a two bucks, and on my hand I have a gold watch for twenty thousand! And believe me, when you look like that, and your problem is easier to solve".
2. Anyone can be a hero
Regardless of your financial situation, heroism is available to any of us. Whatever the situation is (the rescue of drowning, stay in the heart of the storm on the boat, gambling, and family feud) you can always be a hero.

2.2. The second side of coin

Big money can ruin your life. As Belfort says, wealth is the ability to get a lot at once. Even without consequences. With their help, you can play with the law, to use any privileges to feel the power over other people and events.
At the same time a lot of money often reveals us how cruel our souls are. In addition, we become unhappy and often lose your control when you’re coming higher and higher. The wealth has the opposite side – being on high tops you can slip into a deep abyss due to the habit to live and work with impunity. Just remember this.
“We want more.  And more is never enough.  So what do you do at that point?”
Man yields to his weaknesses. People may be on the path of self-destruction at any moment. No matter how much money and power concentrated in his hands, he is always helpless in the face of their weaknesses. If there is no quiet in the soul, honest answers for myself, inner demons stronger.

3. the way to hedonism

Drugs make an integral part of most brokers’ lives at that time, especially the life of the Wolf of Wall Street. Pounds of powder and pills, consumed daily.
"I have a passion for ... almost everything in the world, including elite hookers, not very expensive hookers and cheap street girls (the last ones – only when I want to punish myself). Sometimes I take an afternoon massage at one of those Korean joints, and I have a young Korean girl jerk me off with baby oil. I always offer her a couple hundred extra if she’ll stick her tongue up my ass, but it’s sort of hit or miss, because of the language barrier. Anyway, I never wear a condom, just on general principles”.
Belfort has a lot of friends but, as befits a wolf – he is alone. Each of them is ready to lend you a helping hand, they are all around when you're on a horse, but no one cares when you fall.
What is a passion? It is something that makes us go to rash acts in order to gain a result that interests us.

Список литературы

1. The Wolf of Wall Street. Jordan Befrort, Paperback – August 26, 2008
2. Catching the Wolf of Wall Street: More Incredible True Stories of Fortunes, Schemes, Parties, and Prison Paperback – January 25, 2011
3. Catching the Wolf of Wall Street: Jordan Belfort — Москва, Two Roads, 2013 г.- 474 с.
4. The Seven Rules Of Wall Street: Crash-Tested Investment Strategies That Beat The Market: — Москва, 2011 г.- 192 с.
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