
The need to carry out reforms. The crisis of Russian society

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The great reforms of the 2nd half of the 19th century were a new frontier, a reference point for the beginning of a new history, a new era of Russia. As a result of changes in all spheres of state life, the basic principle was shaken up, according to which Russia had been developing up to this moment, namely, the connection of progress with serfdom. The liberation from serfdom of labor, the development of private initiative, the emergence of civil society became the basis in the new policy of Alexander II.
He went down in history as the tsar-liberator and his reforms were called Great. The period following the death of Alexander II in history was named the period of the counter-reforms of Alexander III. He was famous for implementation of measures aimed at limiting the actions of the reforms of the 60-70s. Russia in the 2nd half of the 19th century is of great interest for study and the relevance of this subject is that it was during this period that Russia took to a new development level, leaving serfdom behind.
The aim of this work is to study the historical aspects of reforms in Russia in the 2nd half of the 19th century.
The task is to reflect the main theoretical aspects in the next direction: need to carry out reforms, the crisis of Russian society; the reforms of Alexander II, the importance and their contradictory character; counter-reforms of Alexander III.
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