
Contents 1. Analysis of the activities of PJSC «Novatek» 3 2. Key performance indicators of PJSC «Novatek» 6 3. Analysis of financial instruments of

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

1. Analysis of the activities of PJSC “Novatek”.

The history of PJSC “NOVATEK” began in August 1994 with the foundation of OJSC “Novafininves. Since its establishment the Company concentrated its efforts on the development of oil and gas assets. The licenses were acquired for deposits located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - Vostochno-Tarkosalinskoye, Khancheyskoye, Yurkharovskoye - and considerable funds were invested in their development and installation. In 1996 a trial industrial operation of the oil facility of the East Tarkosalinsky deposit was launched, and in 1998 the first natural gas was produced at this field. In 2002, with the first supply of gas to end consumers, the development of gas marketing began.
In 2004 the consolidation of the main assets of “NOVATEK” was completed, and in 2005 the company began to sale non-core assets in order to concentrate on the main business. The same year the Purovsky condensate processing plant was put into operation, which is the most important link in the vertically integrated production chain of the Company, and the initial public offering of “NOVATEK's” shares was held on the London and Russian stock exchanges.
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