Код | 508252 |
Дата создания | 2022 |
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Изучение лексико - грамматического материала по теме: «Работа аптеки»
1.Чтение и перевод текста
Description of a Pharmacy.
The pharmaceutical service in our country is an unseparable part of the health protection. You can’t successfully treat people without highly effective medical aids.
The pharmacy has a hall, the single place people may come in; a special room for keeping drugs; an assistants’ room where medicines are prepared and a room for the first medical aid....
2.Закончите предложения, заменив русские слова в скобках их английскими
3.Найдите в тексте “Description of a Pharmacy” английские эквиваленты следующих слов
и словосочетаний.
- охрана здоровья;
- отдел ручной продажи;
- лечить людей;
- рецептурный отдел;
- хранить лекарства;
- заказать лекарство по рецепту;
- на прилавках и полках;
- назначить время.
4.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “Description of a Pharmacy”.
1. How important is the pharmaceutical service in our country?
2. What is the place in the pharmacy people may come in?
3. What is there in the pharmacy?
4. What can one find on the stalls and shelving?
5. In what department will the chemist give you anything you need without a prescription?
6. Where can a patient order his prescription and have his medicine made up?
7. What drug cabinets are there in the Prescription department