Код | 507053 |
Дата создания | 2022 |
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Test Paper 1 A. Образуйте отрицательную, вопросительную и вопросительно-отрицательную форму следующих предложений; That’s good. That isn’t good. Is that good? Isn’t that good?
Test Paper 2 А. Найдите во втором столбце слова с противоположным значением (антонимы). 1. incorrect 2. interesting 3. terrible 4. last 5. answer 6. near-sighted 7. unhappy 8. clean 9. indoors 10. difficult 11. safe 12. cheap 13. fast 14. hate 15. noisy
RATING 1 A. Найдите ошибки в следующих предложениях и напишите их правильные варианты: My name Victor. My name is Victor. 1. I want that he called me, 2. Could you tell to him to call me? 3. I get him for you. 4. Hello. I’m Vladimir Ivanov speaking. 5. I’m sorry. The line busy. 6. Can I help to you? 7. He not here at the moment. 8. Can I take a massage? 9. I’m sorry. He have a meeting. 10.I’ll put you back immediately.
RATING 2 А, Поставьте существительные и местоимения этих предложений во множественное число. Измените соответственно предложения. Поставьте их в вопросительную форму. 1. I stay at work from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. 2. Our secretary operates this computer in the morning. 3. Their engineer is busy all day long. 4. Our manager meets customers in the afternoon. 5. She does not write that letter . 6. Our director does not drive to work every day. 7. His room is not very large. 8. You call our secretary too often. 9. Knowledge of one foreign language is too little for a manager. 10. Our company is not very old.
Here are three extracts from letters that break some rules.
1. Decide what is wrong with each one and underline any mistakes or faults.
Translate into English and form as a letter
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