Код | 492707 |
Дата создания | 2023 |
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После покупки Вы получите файл с выполненными заданиями, которые указаны ниже (все задания в прикрепленном файле):
Упражнение 1. Изучите слова урока.
Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях
словами и выражениями из Упражнения 1.
1. Chinese culture and language ________________.
2. It is reported that ___________between two countries currently in a
phase of far-reaching transformation.
3. It is difficult for Japanese people to _________________.
4. Official ___________ begins where the battlefield ends.
5. In Botswana_________play an important role in shaping the society.\
6. The right of all peoples of Russia to receive general education in their
________ is guaranteed by law.
7. There a two official _______ in Canada – and English.
8. This_______ is wild and deserted.
Упражнение 3. Прочитайте текст.
English is spoken in many countries of the world. But in what countries
English is the national language? Great Britain is the homeland of the English
English speaking countries are situated in different parts of the world and
differ in many ways. The weather and climate of these countries, and the way of
people's life differ. Each country has its own history customs, traditions, and its
own national holidays. But they all have a common English language. English
spread all over the world. Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New
Zealand are English speaking countries.
Great Britain is not a large country. It is much smaller than France or
Norway and smaller than Finland. It has four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and
Northern Ireland. England is the largest part of the country and it has always been
the strongest. English is the national in all parts of Britain.
In the United States of America the national language is also English. Four
hundred years ago some English people sailed to North America to live there, and
they brought the English language to this new country.
Millions of people driven by poverty immigrated to the United States from
different countries of Europe. They brought their own languages and cultures.
That’s why American English differs from British English. American people say
and write some English words differently from how people do in England. So
America is called a “melting pot” because it has become a complex of many Old-
World cultures and languages.
Canada is to the North of the United States. It is a very large country. In
Canada many people speak English because they also came from England many
years ago. But in some parts of Canada they speak French. The people who live in
these parts came to Canada from France.
If you look at the map of the world you will see that Australia is the fifth
continent. It is the smallest continent and the largest island on the map. Australia is
also an English-speaking country.
New Zealand is not far from Australia but it is very far from Britain. The
national language in New Zealand is also English. Many people from England,
Wales, Scotland and Ireland came to live in Australia and New Zealand many
years ago.
Now it is certain that English is the language of business, diplomacy,
international relations and communication between people from different
countries. Most educated people speak English fluently.
Упражнение 4. Найдите в тексте перевод следующих словосочетаний.
1. называется «плавильным котлом»
2. самый маленький континент
3. являться сложным сочетанием культур и языков Старого Света
4. родина английского языка
5. носители языка
6. образованные люди
7. иммигрировать в США
8. движимый бедностью
Упражнение 5. Соответствуют ли следующие высказывания
содержанию текста. Если высказывание является неверным, сделайте
необходимые дополнения и поправки.
1. Great Britain is a large country. It is much larger than France or Norway and
larger than Finland.
2. Australia is also an English-speaking country.
3. So America is called a “melting pot” because it has become a complex of
many New-World cultures and languages.
4. English is the national language in all parts of China.
5. English is spoken in many countries of the world.
6. Six hundred years ago English people sailed to North America to live.
7. In some parts of Canada people speak French, Italian and English languages.
Упражнение 6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по содержанию текста.
1. Where was the English language born?
2. What are the four parts of Great Britain?
3. Which part of Britain is the largest?
4. What is the national language in Britain (the USA)?
5. Who brought the English language to America?
6. Why America is called a “melting-pot”?
7. What do you know about Canada?
8. What languages are spoken in Canada?
9. Why do people in Australia and New Zealand speak English?
10. How does English language help to communicate?
Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя
следующие слова и словосочетания.
far from (x2), came to live, is spoken, differently, driven by poverty, national
language, came from England, a “melting pot”, continent, island
English … in many countries of the world.
1. English … in many countries of the world.
2. In the USA … … is also English.
3. Millions of people … immigrated to the USA from different countries of
4. American people say and write some English words … from how people do
in England.
5. America is called … because it has become a complex of many Old-World
cultures and languages.
6. In Canada many people speak English because they also … many years ago.
7. If you look at the map of the world you will see that Australia is the fifth… .
8. It is the smallest continent and the largest … on the map.
9. New Zealand is not … Australia but it is very … Britain.
10. Many people from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland … in Australia and
New Zealand many years ago.
Упражнение 8. Изучите теоретически материал урока и заполните
пропуски в предложениях глаголами /say/tell/talk/speak.
1. She wants to…………………….something.
2. Please, … more clearly. I can’t understand you.
3. Who ….. at the meeting yesterday?
4. You must…………………….everything you know.
5. They didn’t…………………….anything.
6. Sorry, what did he ….. you?
7. You never…………………….me anything.
8. Will you stop………and listen to me, please?
9. What did you…………………….him?
10. He didn’t…………………….a word.
11. I’m afraid I don’t know what ……
12. If you … me the truth, I’ll try to help you.
13. Do you expect to … English well after ten lessons?
14. The child is beginning to ………… .
15. ……… Talk to your son about his driving.
Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения на английский.
1. Английский считается официальным языком в 67 различных странах.
2. Английский чаще всего ассоциируется с США и Великобританией,
двумя крупнейшими англоязычными странами.
3. Великобритания является родиной английского языка.
4. В Канаде насчитывая около 20 миллионов носителей языка
5. Другие известные страны мира, где английский язык является
основным языком, включают Ирландию, ЮАР и Новую Зеландию.
6. Британия состоит из 4 частей - Англии, Уэльса, Шотландии и Северной
7. Многие из стран, где английский язык является официальным, — это
бывшие британские колонии
8. Иммигранты привнесли в США свои языки и культуру.
9. Большая часть населения в Канаде говорят на английском, потому что
приехали из Англии много лет назад.
10. Если вы посмотрите на карту, вы увидите, что Австралия – самый
маленький континент и самый большой остров.
Упражнение 10. Изучите теоретический материал урока и задайте
специальный вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the
British Isles, off the northern coast of Europe.
2. Great Britain is much smaller than France.
3. The national language in New Zealand is also English.
4. Four hundred years ago some English people sailed to America to live there.
5. The UK has four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
6. Millions of people immigrated to the United States brought their own
languages and cultures.
7. English speaking countries are situated in different parts of the world.
8. USA is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in
the west.
9. Australia was explored by the British explorer Captain James Cook.
10. Canada occupies the northern part of North America and it is one of the
coldest countries in the world.