
Английский язык. Практическое занятие 11. Задания 2-4, 6-7

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1.Вставьте в предложение подходящее по смыслу слово из списка:

1. When I was very young I went to a playgroup and then a _____ school.

2. When I was five, I started at the local ____ school. School is compulsory in Britain for everybody between five and sixteen years old, but in lots of other countries children don’t start until they are seven.

3. My primary school was mixed, but when I was eleven, I went to an all-boys ____ school. My favourite subjects were maths and English.

4. After five years at secondary school, I decided to go to sixth form ____ .

5. In my last year in the sixth form I ____ exams in four subjects – maths, physics,

chemistry, and geography.

6. I ____ them all and ____ A grades in maths and physics.

7. I ____ for a place at ____ to study astronomy.

8. It was a three-year ___ course.

9. I ___ with first class honours.

10. I thought about ___ a postgraduate degree, but decided it was time to get a job and earn some money.

2.Вставьте недостающие предлоги в предложения:

1. I’m very interested ___ football.

2. Would you like some juice ___ the meal?

3. I’ll be back ___ an hour.

4. Is John married ___ Eva?

5. I've been learning English ___ two years.

6. I went to Stockholm ___ air.

7. I bought my son a bicycle ___ his birthday.

8. My grandfather was in the army ___ the War.

9. He lives ___ the corner of Green Street and Links Road.

3.Дополните предложения, используя is/are being (Continuous) или is/are (Simple).

1. I can’t understand why he ____ so selfish. He isn’t usually like that.

2. You’ll like Sophie when you meet her. She ____ very nice.

3. Sarah ____ very nice to me at the moment. I wonder why.

4. They ____ very happy. They’ve just got married.

5. You’re normally very patient, so why ____ so unreasonable about waiting ten more minutes?

6. Would you like something to eat? ____ you hungry?

4.Распределите высказывания в колонки, согласно их названию:

1. work hard

2. always do your homework

3. get into trouble a lot

4. play around in class

5. pay attention all the time

6. pick things up really quickly

7. skip lessons

8. pick things up really slowly

5.Поставьте глагол в корректную форму (выбирайте из Present Perfect или Past Simple).

1. It ___ raining for a while, but now it’s raining again.

2. The town where I live is very different now. It ___ a lot.

3. I studied German at school, but I ___ most of it now.

4. The police ___ three people, but later they let them go.

5. What do you think of my English? Do you think it ___ ?

6. Are you ready to go? ___ your coffee?

7. I ___ for a job as a tour guide, but I wasn’t successful.

8. Where’s my bike? It ___ ] outside the house, but it’s not there now.

9. Quick! We need to call an ambulance. There ___ an accident.

10.Ben won’t be able to play tennis for a while. He ___ his arm.

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