
α,β-Unsaturated carbonyliс compounds in use synthesis of substituted pyridines

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Дата создания 2015
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α,β-Непредельные карбонильные соединения в синтезе замещенных пиридинов
Работа на соискание степени магистра химии (англ)


CHAPTER 1 Synthesis derivatives of substituted pyridines BY INTERACTION WITH α,β-UNSATURATED CARBONYLIС COMPOUNDS (review of the literature) 2
1.1. Synthesis of substituted pyridines based on α, β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds 2
1.2. Synthesis of substituted pyridines based on α, β-unsaturated thiocarbonyl compounds 2
CHAPTER 2 Synthesis and properties of SUBSTITUTED PYRIDENES BY REACTIONs WITH α,β-unsaturated carbonilyc compounds (discussion of the results of research) 2
2.1. Synthesis and alkylation of 6-amino-4-aryl-(2-furyl) - 3,5-diaryl-carbamoyl-3,4-dihydropyridin-2 (1H)-thiones 2
2.2. Sharing components in methylene reacting 2-aryl(2-furyl)methylidenecyanothioacetamide with cyanoacetic acid anilide 2
2.3. Synthesis and alkylation of 4,6-diaryl-3-arylcarbamoyl-3,4-dihydropyridin-2(1H)-thiones 2
2.4. The reaction of ethyl 2-cyano cinnamate with thiocarbamoyl-acetanilide 2
3.1. X-ray diffraction analysis 2
3.2. Synthesis of starting materials 2
3.3. Synthesis of 2-thioxopyridine-3-carboxamide 2
3.4. Modifications 2-thioxopyridine-3-carboxamide, occurring in the alkylation reaction 2
3.5. Synthesis of 3-aryl-(2-furyl)-2-arylcarbamoyl acrylonitriles and 4-aryl(2-furyl)-3,5-dicyano pyridines by exchanging methylene components and products of their further modifications 2
3.6. Synthesis of 5-oxo-5-phenyl-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-cyano-anilide pentane and 1,5-diphenyl-3-(4-chlorophenyl) pentane-1,5-dione 2
4.1. General precautions for use with glass 2
4.2. Work with an organic solvent 2
4.2.1. Hazards 2
4.2.2. Working with flammable liquids 2
4.2.3. Storage of flammable liquids and spills 2
4.3. Alkali metals 2
4.3.1. Hazards 2
4.3.2. The destruction of residual alkali metals 2
4.3.3. Absolutist of organic solvents 2
4.3.4. Extinguishing a burning alkali metals 2

Список литературы

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. Enaminones In Heterocycli
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