
Anthrophonyms as varieties of a proper name and features of its use in the novel by J. Martin "Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones"

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In the replenishment of the nomenclature of modern English personal names, surnames play a significant role. Today, the formation of personal names from surnames is more common, perhaps, in the USA than in the UK. The practice of naming descendants by surnames was especially noticeable in England in the 19th century, although it already existed in aristocratic families in the 17th and 18th centuries.
The English newspaper The Times publishes annual lists of the most common names that provide an opportunity to at least approximately represent the evolution of modern anthrophonyms.
Onomastics (a set of anthrophonyms) of the game “Game of Thrones” amazes not only with the richness and diversity of the onyms, but also with numerous tricks of naming.


Proper names (anthrophonyms, i.e., names of people and toponyms, i.e., names of geographical locations) occupy a special place in English, as in any other language. Without knowledge of a certain set of names of their own functioning in speech, full communication in the language being studied is impossible, and, therefore, effective teaching of this language is impossible. Of course, even a very good command of a foreign language does not imply acquaintance with all its words, including all proper names. But the ability to correctly write, pronounce, understand personal names, surnames, pseudonyms, animal names is necessary for every person studying English.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The relevance of this work is due to an insufficient level of study of anthrophonyms and is determined by the growing interest of linguists in the study of onomastic lexical units saturated with national-cultural content.

Список литературы

1. Теория и методика ономастических исследований / Суперанская А. В., Сталтмане В. Э., Подольская Н. В., Зайцева К. Б. - М. : Наука, 1986. - 258 с.
2. Martin R. R. George. A Game of Thrones : Bantman Books Mass Market Edition. 1996. 800 p.
3. Michael Campbell. The theory of speech and language. Oxford. 1932. 386 p.
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