
Adaptive Strategies of Business Incubators during Economic Crises in Russia

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Код 419748
Дата создания 2019
Страниц 56
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Evolution of Business Incubation concept 5
Defining a business incubator and incubation process 8
Measuring the performance of business incubators 10
Screening Practices 12
Networking 13
Quality of Management 14
Incubation process and its elements 15
Strategic management in non-profit organizations 19
Impact of economic recession on SMEs and NPOs 23
Adaptive strategies in response to economic downturn 26
Peculiarities of Business Incubators in Russia 32
State of affairs in the business incubator in 2014 34
Crisis effects on the incubator 39
Adaptation strategies of the BI HSE during the crisis 44


Many studies have considered business incubators regarding their role in supporting small innovative companies, however, despite this attention, previous research has insufficiently covered the issue of incubating process and business incubator strategy. This study attempts to empirically provide insights into the nature of patterns and strategies of adaptation that business incubators in Russia initiate during economic downturns. The problem of incubator strategy adaptation during recessions has been totally neglected in prior studies. This research uses the method of a case study and argues that business incubators are highly dependent on external environment, and its strategy should be coherent with the economic situation in the country and government policy to meet expectation s of stakeholders. Results from a case study of the HSE business incubator illustrate that the incubator employs certain patterns of strategy adaptation to the present economic recession in Russia particularly taking a pro-active position in fighting the crisis and focusing on elaborating more flexible incubation model with shorter incubation programs and less rigorous screening practices

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления


Evolution of Business Incubation concept 5
Defining a business incubator and incubation process 8
Measuring the performance of business incubators 10
Screening Practices 12
Networking 13
Quality of Management 14
Incubation process and its elements 15
Strategic management in non-profit organizations 19
Impact of economic recession on SMEs and NPOs 23
Adaptive strategies in response to economic downturn 26
Peculiarities of Business Incubators in Russia 32
State of affairs in the business incubator in 2014 34
Crisis effects on the incubator 39
Adaptation strategies of the BI HSE during the crisis 44

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