
The general characteristics of Modernism as a literary movement

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Общая характеристика модернизма как литературного направления ...


Modernism is the General name of the art and literature of the late XIX-early XX century, which reflected the crisis of bourgeois culture and characterized the gap with the traditions of realism and aesthetics of the past. Modernists believed that there was no need to look for some logic or rational thought in a work of art.
The most notable since the American Renaissance of the 1850s qualitative change in us literature," the second bloom", as critics called it, fell on the postwar 1920s. The first world war, which traumatized the national consciousness, significantly shaken the traditional American optimism, at the same time and pushed the previously closed for most Americans borders of the United States.


The most important part of the culture of any nation is literature, which opens a window into the world of traditions, thinking, life. To paraphrase the words of the English writer John Priestley, literature can be called a wonderful home where everyone comes to meet their way. The development of us literature in the period of the General crisis of capitalism, after the first world war and the October revolution is marked by new features, aggravation of the struggle directions.

Список литературы

1. Belov S. B. the number "x". Literature of England and the US about war and military ideology. -- M.: Owls. writer, 1991. -- 366 p.

2. Vengerova, Z. A., North American literature // Encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 tons, and 4 extra). -- SPb., 1890--1907.

3. Zemlyanova L. Notes on contemporary poetry of the United States.// Star, 1971. No. 5. P. 199-205.
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