
How Artificial Intelligence will change the market of insurance companies in particular the automotive sector

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Код 400863
Дата создания 2018
Страниц 11
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How Artificial Intelligence will change the market of insurance companies in particular the automotive sector ...


1. The Concept Of Artificial Intelligence……………………………………………………………………………….………………4
2. The Impact Of New Emerging Risks……………………………………………………………………………….…………………5
3. Autonomous Cars And Their Impact On The Field Of Insurance……………………………………………………….7
4. The Influence Of The Artificial Intelligence On The Chain Of Forming Values In Insurance…………......8


Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer program to think and learn as a person, and its increasing impact on society, like the snowman, cannot be denied. Technologies based on artificial intelligence have already become common in many industries and have potential advantages of such magnitude that it is expected that with their help the rate of annual economic growth in a number of developed countries in the future will double. However, the introduction of such innovative technologies also brings with it new challenges. This report identifies some of the emerging risks associated with the growth of the introduction of artificial intelligence and analyzed the possible future consequences of the so-called "strong" artificial intelligence, described both potential benefits and pr oblem areas. This report also examines the transformation that occurs under the influence of artificial intelligence in the insurance industry.
The increasingly widespread introduction of artificial intelligence technologies-from chatbots to autonomous robotic vehicles-transforms the industry and society, bringing with it benefits such as increased efficiency, the emergence of new products, and the reduction of repetitive tasks. It is expected that by 2035, artificial intelligence technologies will increase corporate productivity in 16 industries in 12 countries by an average of 38% .
In existing technologies based on artificial intelligence, so-called "weak" intellectual agents have used that exhibit cognitive abilities in certain areas, such as driving a car, solving a puzzle, or recommending products/actions.
The first tangible advantages of technologies based on "weak" artificial intelligence are already being realized in many industries, so expectations from artificial intelligence technologies are growing, and more investments are being made to develop them to be the first to take advantage of the advantages that in the future will give more humanlike or "strong" Artificial Intelligence. Its implementation is likely to be unprecedentedly revolutionary for current business models.
However, for a number of reasons, artificial intelligence brings with it not only benefits but also far-reaching consequences for the economy, politics, mobility, health, safety and environmental protection. It will bring confusion to the labor market, changing the nature of long-established roles, and can be used to influence political thinking and opinions. Risks and advantages will be manifested in the short or long term, depending on how long it takes to implement technologies based on "strong" artificial intelligence in the real world. The pace of their adoption depends on the level of investment in research and development in each of the areas of application
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