
summary kazuo ishiguro

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Код 384323
Дата создания 2017
Страниц 3
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Kazuo Ishiguro is a British novelist, screenwriter and short story writer born in Nagasaki, Japan; Ishiguro is one of the most celebrated contemporary fiction authors in the English-speaking world. After finishing school, he took a gap year and travelled through the United States and Canada, while writing a journal and sending demo tapes to record companies. After spending a year writing fiction, he resumed his studies at the University of East Anglia where he studied with Bradbury and Carter, and gained a Master of Arts in Creative Writing in 1980. Except for A Pale View of Hills, all of Ishiguro's novels and his short story collection have been shortlisted for major awards. Most significantly, An Artist of the Floating World, When We Were Orphans, and Never Let Me Go, were all short-list ...




The given roman is represented as memories of Kathy H., a young woman of about 30 years old who tells the reader about her childhood in an unusual boarding school and the following adulthood. The action takes place in the anti-utopian UK in the end of XX century, in which people are cloned to create living donor organs for transplantation, which began in the 1950s. Kathy and her friends at the orphanage were created as such donors. Before becoming a donor, they are all should be a carer (assistant) within a longer or shorter time, caring and supporting those who have already become donors. As in other works of Ishiguro, the truth becomes clear not immediately but gradually, through various hints and implications.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

8. donation
дар, пожертвование
9. open wound
открытая рана
10. to unzip
расстегнуть молнию
11. to rewind
12. Never mind
ничего, пустяки, не обращайте внимания
13. for kicks
на потеху

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