
Демократия и ислам в новой конституции в Турции

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Код 383188
Дата создания 2017
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Project derives begin with a section that occupies Recep Tayyip Erdogan's AKP party and the new Constitution's role in the Turkish civil society and political society therefore came to emerge after time. Previous research on the Turkish civil society and political society in different places take up since being introduced to then move on to the theoretical starting point used in the project work, then reach with a particular focus this method and facts that appear out where I refer to the method learned from the project and how I accumulated in my factual material.
Project starts later on with consistency and survey in which centralized the empirical material displayed and analysed, project work is taken out then a debate, the part where I introduce my conclusions.



Title 3
Background 3
Research Problem 3
Motives and Goals 6
Review of the literature 6
Research Strategies 7
Research paradigms 7
Theories, Hypotheses 7
Models Problems and limitations 8
Disposition 8
Reference List 9
Conclusions 10


The Turkish modernization was built on two main pillars; secularism and republicanism. It began during the Ottoman Empire and can be traced back to the XVIIIth Century. The Ottomans have always been in close relations with the cultural entity which we call «Western Civilisation». In fact, the Ottoman Empire was founded first and foremost as a state located mainly in Europe.
The modern Republic of Turkey came into being after an independence struggle, fought against the “West”. Nevertheless, immediately after the war, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the founding fathers of the Republic did not hesitate to turn their face to this very West. For, with a clear vision they concluded that «progress» meant being a part of the universal civilisation represented then by the West. Indeed, the Turkish revolution and its product, the Republic of Turkey, are the crowning result of the embracement of the ideals and thoughts that have gained world-wide acceptance following the Age of Enlightenment and the French Revolution, by a group of visionaries and idealists led by Atatürk. The Republic of Turkey is the product of a grand historic choice of a great nation.
It was founded in the aftermath of the dissolution of a multi-national, multi-ethnic and multi-religious Empire. Along with Atatürk’s ultimate goal of reaching the highest level of universal civilisation, this historical choice can best be defined in the context of secularisation. The Turkish revolution and its secular republican model introduced radical institutional, cultural and legal reforms ranging from the executive and legislative realms to the public and private spheres.

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There are concerns that these breakthroughs will lead not only to a weakening of centralization, but - to the fragmentation of the country, planned by the Americans in the program - the Greater Middle East.The summer of 2008 was yet another turbulent one for Turkish politics. The closure case filed on 14 March 2008 by the Chief Prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya against the country's ruling Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi-AKP) was not a novelty in itself. Twenty four political parties have been closed by the Turkish Constitutional Court since its foundation in 1962. Yet this was the first time a case was launched against an incumbent party. The reason for the closure was the party's transformation into a "focal point of anti-secular activities." The case was heardon 1 and 3 July, and on 30, the Court delivered its verdict. While six of the eleven judges agreed with the Prosecutor's proposal that the party be closed, they failed to reach the qualified majority of seven votes, necessary for such a decision. This meant that the party only faced a written warning and a curtailment of its state subsidy by 50 percent. So what coined as "Turkey's judicial coup" was averted at the last moment and for a single vote. The country avoided a major political crisis, early elections and an escalation of the tension between the secularist and the Islamist segments of the society which could have reached extremely dangerous dimensions. The decision came as a big relief for the Turkish financial market and was hailed by the international community as well as the supporters of Turkey's EU membership in Turkey and abroad.Turkey is a country located astride two continents and at the crossroads of the regions of the Balkans, the Caucasus, and the Middle East, presenting both some opportunities and threats. She is a rapidly urbanizing, developing, and changing country. During the Justice and Development Party (JDP or AKP in Turkish) governments within the last 12 years, she has achieved a steady and one of the highest economic growth rates in the World despite some slow down after the 2008 global economic and fi nancial crisis. Today, Turkey has a globally integrated, technologically advanced and market-driven economy, which is considered in the G-20 major world economies.Turkish democracy is a relatively developed parliamentarian democracy with a system of free elections and several competing parties. Turkish democracy continues to have shortcomings and problems and to function according to a patch-work constitution prepared and enacted under the Military regime in 1982. Thus, Turkey still has some ground to cover in the areas of basic human rights and freedoms, the rule of law, and democracy.Object of reseach. Turkish constitutionSubject of researsh. Democratization and Islam in TurkeyMotives and GoalsThe purpose of this work is to study democratic reform and Islam in Turkey.Research questions and Purposes To obtain the object of the study, the following formulation of matter used.What qualifications do society in Turkey to be presented in the lead towards democratic consolidation?In order to arrive at the answer to the above question will next survey question to draft the foundation.Whether there was a strengthening of democracy in Turkey between Erdogan's reign?Review of the literatureThere is considerable research by Swedish and foreign researchers on Turkey, in the audience and its democratization in predominantly. In the following, keep up with a presentation of parts of it. Stefan Höjelid, Associate Professor of Political Science employed at Linnaeus University in Växjö, in collaboration with a number of authors wrote the book "Turkey: from tutelary to liberal democracy?" The book's six sections touching different parts of Turkish society and the Turkish fältmässigs position in politics.One of the authors of the above book is Sweden's former consul general in Istanbul, Ingmar Karlsson. He has published a number of articles and books dealing with the Middle East and Turkey.Research Strategies The research strategy for this article was established by adopting a way which the research objectives can be answered. There are two main types of research strategies: quantitative and qualitative.When deciding upon which research strategy to adopt one would have to identify the purpose of the study and the type and availability of the information that is required. Both research methods are interconnected and have been considered by scholars to complement each other.Research paradigms The novice researcher is not only haunted by the ambiguity of the new research experience but also challenged by the difficult choice of research paradigms and compatible research methodologies and methods that are often presented as competing paradigms and therefore as against each other. This paper is a humble attempt to discuss and clarify research terminologies and help novice researchers choose appropriate research methodologies and methods as seen compatible with the positivist, interpretive, and critical paradigms.

Список литературы

Reference List
1. Ahmet Arslan, Demokrasiyi İslam’dan Çıkartmanın Yararı Yoktur (No point in extracting Democracy from Islam), Radikal, 11 January 1997.
2. Ruşen Çakır, Ne Şeriat Ne Demokrasi: Refah Partisini Anlamak, (Neither Shari’a Nor Democracy, Understanding the Welfare Party) Metis Yayınları, İstanbul 1994.Louis Gardet, La Cite Musulmane, Vie Sociale et Politique, Paris 1976.
3. Nilüfer Göle, “Urbaine, Instruite, Revendicative et Voilee”, Islamisme; les Dossiers de I’Etat du Monde, Paris 1994.
4. Samuel Huntington, “Democracy’s Third Wave”, Journal of Democracy, Spring 1991.
5. Samuel Huntington, “The Clash of Civilisations?”, Foreign Affairs, Summer 1993.

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