
The spirit of sporting competition has been destroyed by the amount of money now associated with most sports

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Дата создания 08 января 2018
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Эссе по английскому языку на тему, связанную с актуальными в спорте проблемами коррупции и допинга. 370 слов. Вступление, 2 развернутых аргумента, заключение.
Нижний Новород, 2016. Оценка 10/10. ...


Firstly, a rather urgent and scandalous topic today is about prohibited medicine sportsmen take to become physically stronger and therefore kill the spirit of fair competition.
Secondly, the most popular sports like football often turn into a show entertaining spectators by the beauty of sportsmen, their fame and money they earn, not by their sport talent.


Nobody can deny that today corruption is practically everywhere: no matter what area, money play a huge and not always fair role in our life. Unfortunately, such an inviolably uncorrupted area as sport is in danger too because of great money signifying more than talent and hard work sometimes.

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Firstly, a rather urgent and scandalous topic today is about prohibited medicine sportsmen take to become physically stronger and therefore kill the spirit of fair competition. Of course, such operations with taking medication and undergoing obligatory tests successfully require plethora of money and, I believe, the government’s support. For example, some years ago the USA were accused of having a system of providing sportsmen with doping and bribing the ‘independent’ testing committee. How can we talk about the spirit of sporting competition when the richer the country is, the easier it is for her to hide unfair money operations in sport?Secondly, the most popular sports like football often turn into a show entertaining spectators by the beauty of sportsmen, their fame and money they earn, not by their sport talent.

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