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1. Essence of bond
2. Types of bond
3. Effective investment in bonds
List of the used literature
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
The main aim of this work is to consider the types and classification of bonds, to assess effective managment of bonds.For achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:1) give a definition of bonds;2) determine the types and bonds;3) assess role of bonds and importance in the market of securities.
Список литературы
List of the used literature
1. Glazkov W. Planning in the volume of borrowings of municipal formations // RZB. 2007. № 1. – P. 7.
2. Gerasimov A. The bond market as an indicator of the improvement of the regional Finance // RZB. 2007. № 9. – P. 1.
3. Ivasenko A., Nikonov A., Pavlenko V. Securities market: Tools and mechanisms of functioning: Textbook. manual.- M.: KNORUS, 2008. - 272 p.
4. Ilyin S., Marenkov N. The basis of the economy: Textbook. manual.- M.: Phoenix, 2009.- 672 p.
5. Kilyachkov A.A. Workshop on the Russian securities market: Textbook. manual.- M.: BECK, 2009. - 184 p.
6. Kononova O.F. The Russian financial markets in the year 2009: (analytical review) // Banking services. - 2009.- №1. – P. 9-17.
7. Kovalev A. Prospects of development of corporate bonds market of the regional banks of // RZB. 2007. № 4. – P.3.
8. Petrov V. Russian financial market: Evaluation and projections // Society and economy. - 2008. - №10.-P. 71-90.
9. Sabitov N.KH., Tikhonova R.W. The operations of the Bank of Russia on the open market: Stages of development // Money and credit.- 2009.- №12.-P. 44-48.
10. Scherbakov A.. Market of state securities of the Russian Federation and prospects of its development for the period 2006-2008. // Finance.- 2009.- №8.- P. 3-7.
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