
Managing Financial Principles and Techniques.

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Managing Financial Principles and Techniques.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

2 assess the sources of funds available to an organisation for a specific project.7833.1 select appropriate budgetary targets for an organisation3.2 participate in the creation of a master budget for an organisation3.3 compare actual expenditure and income to the master budget of an organisation3.4 evaluate budgetary monitoring processes in an organisation888844.1 recommend processes that could manage cost reduction in an organisation4.2 evaluate the potential for the use of activity-based costing8855.1 apply financial appraisal methods to analyse competing investment projects in the public and private sector5.2 make a justified strategic investment decision for an organisation using relevant financial information5.3 report on the appropriateness of a strategic investment decision using information from a post audit appraisal99966.1 analyse financial statements to assess the financial viability of an organisation6.2 apply financial ratios to improve the quality of financial information in an organisation’s financial statements6.3 make recommendations on the strategic portfolio of an organisation based on its financialinformation111111Assessment CriteriaTo obtain a Pass you will need to achieve the following criteria: Learning Outcome 1 – Be able to apply cost concepts to the decision-making process1.1 explain the importance of costs in the pricing strategy of an organisation1.2 design a costing system for use within an organisation1.3 propose improvements to the costing and pricing systems used by an organisationLearning Outcome 2 – Be able to apply forecasting techniques to obtain information for decision making2.1 apply forecasting techniques to make cost and revenue decisions in an organisation2.2 assess the sources of funds available to an organisation for a specific project.

Список литературы


1.Investment fund options // http://www.wrighthassall.co.uk/resources/articles/article_investment_fund_options.aspx
2.Langfield-Smith K. Management control systems and strategy: a critical review // Accounting, organizations and society, 1997.
3.Model guide to securitisation techniques // http://crossborder.practicallaw.com/2-501-2997
4.Pricing Strategy // http://www.netmba.com/marketing/pricing/
5.Shawnee K. Vickery, Cornelia Droge, Robert E. Markland. Production Competence and Business Strategy: Do They Affect Business Performance? // Decision Sciences. Volume 24, Issue 2, pages 435–456, March 1993.
6.Smith T.M. The relationship of strategy, fit, productivity, and business performance in a services setting // Journal of Operations Management, 1999.
7.Ward P.T. Manufacturing strategy in context: environment, competitive strategy and manufacturing strategy // Journal of Operations Management, 2000.
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