
Strategic Supply Chain Management and Logistics

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Strategic Supply Chain Management and Logistics

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Task 4


Strategic Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

On the other hand, the most flexible chain should provide sufficient free reserves and stocks to respond to unexpected surges in demand. It should "be able" to handle a variety of volumes of goods in a very short time. Such requirements will inevitably jeopardize the performance .conclusionThe choice between performance and flexibility should not be regarded as a situation of "all or nothing" - it just comes to a company acceptable to the balance between these conflicting goals. The company, holding on to the market primarily due to lower prices, choice of small: you have to sacrifice flexibility in favor of efficiency. The firm is distinguished by its competitors by high quality service, should be highly flexible supply chain. Companies whose main strength in the products, can choose either way - it all depends on the nature of the goods. For innovative products need to flexible chains were able to cope with volatile demand. And for the sales of mature products highly preferred chain, cut costs to a minimum.

Список литературы

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