
Проблемы и вызовы международной валютной системы(Problems and challenges of the international monetary system)

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Код 366633
Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
Страниц 62
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1 Definition of modern world financial system
1.1 International currency system: historic evolution
1.2 Globalisation of financial markets
2 Features of world financial system
2.1 Exchange rate and fundamental factors affecting exchange rates
2.2 Current problems of European currency system
2.3 Place of Russia in the world financial system
3 Development of world financial system
3.1 Problems and future trends of world financial system development
3.2 Prospects of world currency system reforming
List of references


Проблемы и вызовы международной валютной системы(Problems and challenges of the international monetary system)

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Define place of Russia in the world financial system;
Reveal problems and future trends of world financial system development;
Indicate prospects of world currency system reforming.
Object of research is a problem and prospect of development world a financial system.
Subject of research is the world financial system.
International monetary systems are sets of internationally agreed rules, conventions and supporting institutions that facilitate international trade, cross border investment and generally the reallocation of capital between nation states. They provide means of payment acceptable between buyers and sellers of different nationality, including deferred payment. To operate successfully, they need to inspire confidence, to provide sufficient liquidity for fluctuating levels of trade and to provide means by which global imbalances can be corrected. The systems can grow organically as the collective result of numerous individual agreements between international economic actors spread over several decades.
Research of processes of transformation of the world currency systems is caused by the latest tendencies in development world financial architecture. Use as the world reserve currencies of national currency of one of the leading countries leads to a set contradictions in arrangement of the international financial and economic force.
World financial crisis of 2007-2009 revealed an IMF’s inefficiency as regulation institute and also aggravated an urgency of transformation operating currency system for the purpose of search and introduction of new instruments of regulation.
Search of new tools of world currency system develops in directions of introduction of system of regional currencies; creations uniform the world reserve currency or improvement of the already existing.
After several years of functioning of European financial system problems were appeared. Nowadays a number of prominent European and American politicians and economists noted that the euro zone is in serious crisis, than can lead to disintegration. Uniform currency was implemented, but anti-recessionary mechanisms were not developed.

Список литературы

List of references
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