
Анализ основных систем оценки персонала в организации(на англ. языке)

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Код 366463
Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
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1Subject matter of the paper
2Topicality of the paper
3 The goal of the paper
4 Methods and materials of the study
5 The essence of the problem
6 Conclusion
Bibliography list


Анализ основных систем оценки персонала в организации(на англ. языке)

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

4 Methods and materials of the studyThe diploma paper is based on researches of the western and domestic scientists which investigated problems of motivation and creation of assessment system.The methodology of research includes gathering, processing, analytical and statistical methods.5 The essence of the problemThe indicator of profit allows estimating overall performance of the organization as a whole, consisting in efficiency of use of all organizational resources, including each employee. It is natural that employees unequally carry out their duties. However, to carry out differentiation, it is necessary to have uniform system of an assessment of efficiency of each employee. The choice of personnel assessment methods for each specific organization is a unique task; that can be solvedonly by management of the organization. The developed system of an assessment as well as compensation system, system of certification considers and reflects a number of factors - strategic objectives of the organization, an environment condition, organizational culture and structure, traditions of the organization, the characteristic of the labor. In stable organizations with steady hierarchical structure as a rule traditional methods of an assessment can be effectively used; in dynamic organizations operating in the conditions of changing environment, nonconventional methods are more preferable. In the diploma paper during the choice assessment system special attention was paid to its compliance to other personnel management systems - compensations, career planning, professional training to achieve synergetic effect and to avoid the conflicts and contradictions.Result of creation of assessment system will be:positive impact on employees’ motivationplanning of professional training. Personnel assessment will define gaps in competences of each employee and provide measures for their elimination. planning of professional development and career. The assessment of employees will allow revealing their weak and strong professional qualities that allows to prepare carefully individual development plans and effectively to plan career. making decisions on compensation, promotional, dismissal. The regular and systematic employee’s assessment will give information necessary for adoption of reasonable decisions on increase of a salary to the management (compensation of the best employee’s influences motivating on them and their colleagues).6 ConclusionThe organizations periodically estimate the employees for the purpose of increasing of efficiency of their work and definition of requirements of professional development. As researches show, regular and systematic personnel assessment positively affects motivation of employees, their professional development and growth.

Список литературы

Bibliography list
Ovchinnikova T. New paradigm of human resource management//Human resource management. – 2006. - № 7. – p. 34-39.
DrofaV.V., Polovinko V. S. Human resource management of the research organizations. - M: Inform-Znaniye; Omsk: Publishing house Heritage. Dialogue Siberia, 2008. – 208 p.
Dmitrenko G. A., Sharapatova E. A. Maksimenko T. M Motivation and performance assessment. - M.:infa-M, 2008. - 321 p.
Maslov E.V. Enterprise human resource management. – M: INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: NGAEU, 2007. – 312p..
Tretjakov E.P. Assessment of labor potential of organization/E.P. Tretjakov//Management in Russia and abroad. – 2009. - No. 1. – Page 136-144

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