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Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
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1Subject matter of the paper
2Topicality of the paper
3 The goal of the paper
4 Methods and materials of the study
5 The essence of the problem
6 Conclusion
Bibliography list


Свод анализ (на англ.языке)

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The methodology of research includes gathering, processing and the information analysis, analytical and statistical methods, induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis, formalization and modeling.Information base of research are works of the Russian and foreign scientists, results of researches, publications in periodic and electronic editions, statistical data.5 The essence of the problemEnvironment where companies have to operate is changing: The aggravation of competitive fight in a saturated market conducts to increase of degree of uncertainty, so there are unpredictable risk factors. It is necessary for company to work out development strategy. Strategic management should lean on the relevant information system, that helps analyze and estimate tendencies - current, past and futuresince only having a clear idea of the company development stage, it is possible to define further direction.One of the important tasks on a way of strategy development is definition of a position of the company in the market that isn't possible without a clear understanding of the target consumer. Any segmentation begins with comprehensive study of a market situation in which the company operates, and estimates types of possibilities and threats which it can face.Starting point for such review is SWOT analysis, one of the most widespread types of the analysis in marketing. SWOT analysis allows to reveal and structure strong and weaknesses of firm, and also potential possibilities and threats. It is reached because managers should compare internal forces, weaknesses of the company and possibilities which the market gives them.SWOT analysis is carried out in the following main directions:1. Management. The potential of staff of the company of the top and average level, their qualification, motivation, loyalty are estimated.2. Marketing, including the analysis of the communication program (advertizing, personal sale, PR), comparison of advertizing activity with competitors, efficiency of own marketing efforts;3. Personnel, especially sales personnel, skill level and interest, compliance of motivational programs to the purposes and organization tasks, and also analysis of the contacts, new consumers, costs of the maintenance of the trading personnel;4. The analysis of sale system of the company, requirements and inquiries of trading partners, distributions of sales volumes, types of intermediaries (wholesale, retail), audit of distributors, allocation of priority dealers etc.;5. Analysis of a product portfolio. Flowing and expected sales volumes, a market share, profitability on each of products or product group, quality, image of brand are estimated;6. Priority competitors, their share of the market, possible advantages on expenses, the price, image of their goods, their competitive behavior current and possible, their main weaknesses are analyzed;7. Existence of steady competitive advantage, for example, resource base inaccessible to the next competitors or patent technologies;8.

Список литературы

Bibliography list
1.Barnett D., Uilsted U. Strategy formulation//Problems of the theory and practice of management. - 2006. - No. 1 – P. 118-127.
2.Ansoff I. Strategic management: - M: Economy, 2005.
3.Vikhansky O.S. -Strategic management, - M: Gardarika, 2006.
4.Gerchikova I. N. Management: Textbook, 2nd prod. - M: Banks and exchanges. Uniti, 2005.
5.Menar C. Economy of the organizations. - M: Infra-M, 2008.
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