
Компания Clorox CO.Corporate Social Responsibility of Business

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Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
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1 About the Clorox Company
2 Company and shareholders
3 CRS performance
3.1 Compliance
3.2 Financial performance
3.3 Ethic principles
3.4 Philanthrony
4 Clorox and society
4.1 Relation to People
4.2 Relation to Environment
4.3 Clorox’s Marketplace
5 What criteria did CR magazine use to put company on top 100


Компания Clorox CO.Corporate Social Responsibility of Business

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Further, the company is restructuring its business units to ensure a clear line of sight to where the most economic value is being generated, and that a new management incentive system will reinforce the focus on profitable sales growth and double-digit annual economic profit growth.To drive this growth, the company is focused on 3Ds: desire, decide and delight. Desire is about integrated pre-purchase communications that increase consumers’ awareness about how the company’s brands meet their needs. Clorox said it will enhance its marketing communication capabilities to create more consistent messages to consumers wherever they come into contact with the company’s brands. The company will implement a new integrated model for working with its advertising and public relations agencies, linking their compensation to Clorox’s success. Clorox is also increasing its emphasis on multicultural marketing, with a cross-functional team focused on these important consumer segments, and a Hispanic advisory group of customers, academics and non-competing companies.The purpose Clorox is a sustainable development, close interaction with industrial clients, retail trade and consumers around the world today and in the future.3.2 Financial performanceCompany developed CR and sustainability content according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Guidelines, which provide a recommended framework and indicators for reporting. Fig. 2 – Financial indicatorsEarnings from continuing operations before interest and taxes (EBI T) as a percent of net sales, including the non-cash goodwill impairment charge of $258 million. Excluding the non-cash goodwill impairment charge, EBIT as a percent of net sales was 18 percent in 2011. The company’s fiscal year 2011 earnings from continuing operations and diluted earnings per share from continuing operations were $287 million and $2.07, respectively. Excluding the non-cash goodwill impairment charge of $258 million ($1.86 per diluted share), earnings from continuing operations – adjusted and diluted earnings per share from continuing operations – adjusted were $545 million and $3.93, respectively, in 2011.3.3 Ethic principlesClorox s image and reputation, as a company that operates in an ethically and legally appropriate manner, is inseparable from the conduct of each of us as we perform our work, everyday. The employees of Clorox are expected to respect laws and regulations, avoid conflicts of interest, protect the Company’s assets, and show consideration and appreciation for the local customs, traditions and social mores of the various countries and cultures in which Clorox conducts business. In fulfilling responsibilities within Clorox , company do not take ethical shortcuts. Clorox realizes social responsibility which is beyond direct business activity and is reflection of business practice in the company. Ethical obligations are strongly fixed in corporate values of the company and in the history of corporation. Obligations are based on conviction that decisions which are accepted in common on the basis of partnership will be effective for all parties.Activities for the international corporate nationality are beyond commercial activity. The company propagandizes and supports social, educational, scientific, cultural, entertaining, sports, medical and ecological projects. Along with material contributions, an important role in these projects the employees devoting to projects the enthusiasm play, understanding, desire to assist, commitment.Clorox’s Values are:Clorox put our customers at the center of what the company do.Clorox value, challenge and reward people.Clorox drive excellent sustainable financial performance.Clorox are committed to leadership in sustainability.Clorox build future on our family business foundation.3.4 PhilanthronySince its founding in 1980, The Clorox Company Foundation has awarded cash grants totaling more than $84 million to nonprofit organizations, schools and colleges. In fiscal 2011 alone, the foundation awarded more than $4 million in cash grants and Clorox made product donations valued at $13 million.4 Clorox and society 4.1 Relation to PeopleTalented employees are an indispensable condition of successful business. Clorox employs the best professionals, provides development and interest of workers in their activity Based on annual employee engagement survey, the percentage of employees who consider themselves highly engaged reached a new high and significantly exceeded the 2011 global benchmark for employee engagement. In 2011, Clorox continued driving our corporate responsibility strategy across the company, as an integrated part of our culture and business.4.2 Relation to EnvironmentThe company is guided by the highest standards of environmental protection and industrial safety.
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