
Interbrand Marketing Audit

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Код 361160
Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
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1. The Characteristics of the brand of Nokia
2. A comparative analysis of the logos of Nokia and Sony Ericsson
3. Marketing-mix of the brand of Nokia


Interbrand Marketing Audit

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления


Список литературы


1.Ambler T. Practical marketing. - SPb.: Peter, 1999.
2.Anatomy of the advertising image. Under ed. Ovpuckii A.V. – SPb.: Peter, 2004.
3.Assel G. Marketing: principles and strategy. - M.: Infra-M, 2005.
4.Burke E.A. Modern advertising. Theory and practice. - Rostov n/D: Izd-vo «Phoenix», 2003.
5.Chernatony L. From the vision of the brand to the assessment of the brand. The strategic process of growth and strengthening of the brand. - M.: A group of the IMT, 2007.
6.Dowling G. The science and the art of marketing. - SPb.: Vector, 2006.
7.Doyle P. Marketing, based on the cost. - SPb.: Peter, 2001.
8.Davis S. The management of the assets of the trade mark. - SPb.: Peter, 2001.
9.Feldwick R. What is Brand Equity Anyway? Henley-on-Thames: World Advertising Research Centre, 1999.
10.Feofanov O.A. Advertising: new technologies in Russia. - SPb.: «Peter», 2000.
11.Golovin A.YU. Legal regulation of advertising in the civil law. Thesis on competition of a scientific degree of Sinenko. – M.: Infra-M, 2002.
12.Golovleva E.L.. The basics of advertising. Training manual, - M.: CJSC «Publishing House «chief accountant», 2003.
13.Goleman I.A. Promotional activities: Planning. Technology. Organization. - M.: Gella-print, 2002.
14.Hollessen S. Global marketing. - M.: New knowledge, 2004.
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18.Keller K. Strategic Brand Management. - N.Y.: Prentice Hall, 1998.
19.Kotler F. Fundamentals of marketing. - M.: «Business book of the Ima-Cross Plus», 2005.
20.Kretov I., Karyagin N. Commodity strategies and vintage technology in modern marketing. - M.: Economist, 2005.
21.Leini T, Semenov A., Shilina S. Brand management: the Training manual. - M.: Dashkov & K, 2008.
22.McDonald M. Marketing Plans — How to Prepare Them, How to Use Them. Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann, 1999.
23.Musician V.L. The formation of brand advertising and PR: Ucheb. posobie / VL. The musician. - M.: Economist, 2004.
24.Promotional activities. Under the editorship of Pankratova.- M.: Publishing house «MCC Marketing», 2001.
25.Rudaya E. The basics of brand management. - M.: Aspect Press, 2006.
26.Smirnov E. Strategic brand management, oriented to the brand. - M.: National Institute of business; Rostov-on-don: Phoenix, 2004.
27.Schmitt B. Empirical marketing: How to make the client to feel, think, act, and relate yourself with your company. - M.: Fair-PRESS, 2001.
28.Schuvanov V.I. Psychology of advertising. A series of «Higher education». - Rostov-na-Donu: «Phoenix», 2003.
29.Trenev N. The strategy of the enterprise: design and analysis / Business Academy. - M., 2001.
30.Wells H., Bernet J., Moriarty S. Advertising: principles and practice. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house «Piter», 2004.
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