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1. Strategic Management and leadership
2. Leadership strategy Toyota
3. Assessment of leadership style
4. Talent development manager Toyota industry


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Cost data used to develop a strategy for the creation and implementation of a sustainable competitive advantage, where the modern accounting serves as an information system, serving the process of decision making.2
Cost control mechanism involves a range of activities aimed at creating a system to minimize costs based on establishing and maintaining optimal for each activity level of cost (using the valuation of costs and limiting costs), depending on the expected financial results.3
3. Assessment of leadership style
At the head of the policy style of interaction Toyota, first, focuses on pre-preparation, planning decisions (the system does not have the propensity to change the current activity, it is weakly expressed motive flexible response), and secondly, in the interaction, though aimed at contacts but still somewhat distant from their subordinates (not inclined to take on other people's responsibilities, not the desire for close cooperation and friendly relations, not the willingness to help others.) In this style of subordinates at Toyota substantial characteristics of low value of the work (the significance of tasks for the organization, said the work boring, unacceptable productivity, peak load operation at the end of the month).
When permissive style of interaction manager of a firm Toyota shares the values ​​of the individual. Weakly focused on the present. In interaction with subordinates showing humanistic orientation (sincere, direct) and dependence on them. With appreciation of the complexity of their task "passive non-intervention" is reduced. Interpersonal relationships in a group of Toyota in this style of leadership subordinates low rating.
For the head of the company Toyota, based on human relationships, is important as the process activity and its results, and to maintain a balance between the need to make him express willpower. Head to this orientation - impulsive, not enough people to manage their feelings. For a leader, based on the production, in the activities of its significant result. It shares. the highest values ​​of the individual. In interaction with subordinates independent.
Orientations to balance relations and production in administrative positions the head of Toyota provides: marked by setting high professional competence and creativity. If there is no balance between the orientations, the substantial characteristics of slave labor low rating (the significance of tasks for organizations that do not use a variety of skills, the work is boring, do not like the limits of planning their activities, unacceptable productivity, peak load at the end of the month, has no authority to participate in the management , reduced activity in tasks, not all of the individual resources are used in the performance of tasks).
Features self-management firm Toyota form two groups of indicators. The first group provides the supervisor interaction with subordinates and has relationships with the features of interpersonal relations (dependence, straightness), with the features of the motivational sphere (the orientation of the activities on the outcome or the process), includes - contact, creativity and quality, defining humanistic attitude to man (view of human nature and values). The second group provides a head attitude toward themselves and the features of the general level of self-realization, includes - need for knowledge, autonomy, spontaneity. Intuitive leader as one of the qualities of decision-making, on the one hand, it defines the low level of creative director, on the other - is linked to the manifestation of a leader in the personal relationships of straightness, and determines the orientation of the head of the result.
Humanistic attitude head of the office of Toyota to a person associated with satisfaction with subordinates interpersonal relationships and high responsibility for the result of the work (the desire to perform high-quality work, responsibility for the overall result of the work, taking into account views of guiding decisions, realizing the potential for high performance, the presence of autonomy in decision solutions, empowering the organization activities).
Communication of the leader, first, determine the features of self-realization: the dependence is inversely related to the overall level of self-realization; straightness interdependent with intuitive and reduces humanity (values) in humans. Second, to evaluate the performance characteristics of subordinates as follows: the orientation of the head on cooperation provides praised subordinates responsible for the result of work and satisfaction with interpersonal relationships, marked the head reduces the criticality of the subordinates need for growth, a manifestation of the head reduces the straightness of subordinates need for growth and determines dissatisfaction interpersonal relationships.
Leading component in the style of management of the company Toyota - collegial. Managerial position heads corresponds to the status "perfect." Peer component has only direct significant relationships, other components of leadership style - just the reverse. Separately analyzed the power of interpersonal relationships, the results of the parameters, which in this study have high ratings.
4. Talent development manager Toyota industry
The base under the leadership potential of Toyota is the personal capacity (integrates the biological, psychological, social and spiritual potentials, resources). The following behavioral reasons: professional capacity (specialized professional capacity, the overall preparedness activities; management capacity - readiness to perform managerial position), creative and innovative potentials (innovative and creative solution of management problems). Taken together, the above indicated potentials of personality and are a system resource bases and organizational leadership - leadership potential. Leadership potential acts in this case as an integrative education.
Areas of Talent Development CEO: Toyota
1) value orientation (sense, motivational orientation on professional activity);
2) professional identity and professional activities, and 3) professional creativity;
4) professional self-knowledge and self-improvement;
5) business competence;
6) the reflexive self-organization.
Opportunities to optimize leadership capacity increase with the introduction of its developmental content. The development brings to the process of professional formation and development - new semantic vector adaptive strategy, and with them - life and professional work.
Talent Development manager and expressing his competency is based on the system capabilities of the individual. Leadership potential within the framework of this concept serves as an integrative multi-level education, the resources of the individual, which are formed in the process of her life and her career path. All this makes the leadership potential of aspiring to translate the results into life. Considered so the concept of "leadership potential" meet the new requirements of professional conduct manager in modern management situations (transformation of the "personnel" to "human capital", the introduction of the management concepts of "human resources", "corporate culture", "mission" and others).
Leadership potential is manifested in management primarily through the stylistic orientation manager (organizational leader) in a partner, convert the interaction with the staff. The basis of this interaction appears developmental impact.
Style characteristics of professional management behavior as a criterion of quality characteristics of organizational leadership: leadership productive - unproductive leadership.
Found a statistically significant positive relationship between the implementation of the major components of leadership potential and progressive changes that occur in the process of personal and professional development and the personality of the manager. Head with high leadership potential (productive leadership) implements developmental impact at a sufficient level, heads low leadership potential (unproductive leadership) - low. Particularly clear difference between the two groups of leaders articulated with regard to promoting the personal and professional development (group 1 - 4.18 points, Group 2 - 2,82 points).4
Optimization of organizational leadership is realized through capacity development manager. The program includes the development of a wide spectrum of professional formation of the head: the development of value orientation on professional practice to reflexive self-organization (the ability to adequately diagnose the process activities and their level of competence).
Optimization potential ways to develop the leadership potential of the head increase with the introduction of its developmental content. The program develops leadership training includes specialized in theoretical, theoretical and applied courses, training sessions, business games, aimed at the development of technology, technology is advancing exposure. As a conceptual framework for optimizing the process of mastering the content and technology director of organizational leadership are: the theory and model of developmental effects.
One of the main resources to optimize the potential leader - developing technology (self-development and self-realization of the individual, making the content of the activities and the organizational environment, developing the start). Technological complex leadership potential includes: technologization self-knowledge, self-determination, self-realization of the head; technologization interaction with the staff, management technologization (acmeological) the impact on staff; technologization "feedback", the head of reflection. The level of technological development of developing head is fixed through a special procedure (reference entity modeling technology career, his leadership potential).
The Leadership Challenge is now updated. The importance of leadership is determined by the exit to the first place in the "productive forces" of human personal origin (human resources, human capital). Hence the importance of organizational leadership, chelovekovedcheskih content in modern management.
Leadership (organizational leadership) - is a process taking place in different social collectives or groups. Spiritual leader is the emotional center of the group, the expression of a common power (power at all) in one person; draws members to the goal, motivates, supports the crucial function of group activity (this is the nature of organizational leadership). Modern organizational leadership - is, in the final analysis, psycho-acmeological process of taking responsibility for the work, the fate of others and himself. Currently object acmeologic studies were potential and inner resources of the individual. This is directly related to organizational leadership. Acmeological understanding of the essential characteristics of a personality different from the psychological. Potential of the individual is seen as a system of Occupational renewable resources (biological - psychological - social - spiritual), which not only improves performance, but also to the progressive development of the personality.5
Resources (potential) is not replenished automatically and purposefully - the personality. This corresponds to the methodological principles of the "subject" and "development" in the Occupational. We believe acmeological line of research most promising organizational leadership. This conclusion confirms the hypothesis of our study.
Potentials: biological - psychological - social and spiritual are "internal" potentials and act as resources combined potential of the individual. The behavioral (external, ontological) level, we turn to the integral characteristics of the individual such as professional capacity, management capacity, creativity, innovation potential, leadership potential, etc. Interaction potentials, interpenetrate each other in content. Professional capacity is based on a personal basis. Consists of two relatively independent components: general preparedness activities (specialized, professional capacity) and prepared for execution management (management capacity).
Professional capacity is associated with creativity. Creativity is related to innovative capacity. Creative and innovative potentials in management (personnel management) directly lead us to the potential acmeological.6
Style characteristics of professional conduct for managers and their correlation with the transforming effect can develop criteria for qualitative characteristics of organizational leadership: Leadership and unproductive productive leadership.
Leadership influence on subordinates head - not a mechanical obedience, and follow up. Adherence - it's always a reputation (the unity of word and deed), the authority of the head (the word authority, the authority of the case, the credibility of the person); credibility. Trust as a basic mechanism of leadership "starts" in the working group's leadership following two mechanisms: psychological (value) and the exchange of "idiosyncratic credit." Another question about the value of the individual manager-leader. It is important that personal potential is balanced by species potential (biological - psychological - social - spiritual) and the resources they contain.

Список литературы


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5.Wageman, R. Interdependence and group effectiveness / R. Wageman // Administrative Science Quarterly, 2008. Vol. 40. - pp. 145-180.
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