
What Luxury means?

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What Luxury means?

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

There was a Dutch man, Mandeville by name, who lived in England, but educated in France who proposed the moral of saving, but who owed a large part of its fortunes to the production, and exportation of luxury articles. Luxury thus became the main factor of the economic development of the country, the source of money circulation, the key to success and the guarantee for consumption and, moreover, the demonstration of a societies desire to progress. Thus the ills of a society due to the vice or depravation that luxury entailed, became a positive factor for society in general.I prefer easier forms of luxury like pastime with my family. We should hold in reverence. But our world changes, our society changes and the idea of ‘value for money’ also changes. In the terms of economics, a luxury good is a good for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises, and is a contrast to a "necessity good", for which demand increases proportionally less than income. That is to say this definition strictly separates the notion necessity from the concept luxury. On top of everything, in the modern world many people link luxury with success. They have seen how celebrities try to emphasize this success and surround the luxury.

Список литературы

1.Anna Calvera. Inside Diogenes Boot: Luxury, Comfort And Well-being From The Point Of View Of Domestic Life In The 1700’s.Elisava School of Design. Author of La formaci o del pensament de W. Morris (Barcelona, 1992).
2. http://fictionbook.in/oskar-uayld-the-picture-of-dorian-gray.html?page=28#

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