
Прием лексического повтора в коротком английском рассказе

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Код 359598
Дата создания 08 апреля 2013
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Lexical stylistic device of repetition in English short stories
Among lexical stylistic devices that are used to add expressiveness to the literary works repetition is one of the most effective stylistic strategies. Though repeating is often considered boring, it can wake the reader up and help them to focus on a key idea if used with some stylistic purpose.
A lot of classical authors practiced lexical repetition in short stories to make them more attractive and interesting to the reader, and namely Ray Bradbury, Ernest Hemingway, O’Henry, Virginia Woolf. The works of these writers will be taken for stylistic analysis in this paper.
Short stories of Ray Bradbury have always been popular with various age groups because they are full of different stylistic devices that make reading captivating and emotional. The author employs lexical repetition quite often, especially anaphora, epizeuxis and simple repetitions for emphasis.
The two stories - “All in a Summer Day” and “The Day It Rained Forever” - are taken for analysis from his collection of short stories “A Medicine For Melancholy” written in 1959. This collection represents human psychology with each story focused on some detail or feature of human nature. The scenes vary from an ordinary flat to some planet, from remote future to the present days.
In “All Summer in a Day” the events are futuristic and take place at some school located in the underground city of the planet Venus. The rocket men and women have come to a raining world of Venus to set up civilization.


Прием лексического повтора в коротком английском рассказе

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

"Much, much better !"
Desiring truth, awaiting it, laboriously distilling a few words, for ever desiring—(a cry starts to the left, another to the right. Wheels strike divergently. Omnibuses conglomerate in conflict)—for ever desiring—(the clock asseverates with twelve distinct strokes that it is midday; light sheds gold scales; children swarm)—for ever desiring truth. Red is the dome; coins hang on the trees; smoke trails from the chimneys; bark, shout, cry “Iron for sale”—and truth?
V.Woolf by this disjointed stream of repetitions of the words “truth”, “desiring” and “for ever” used in one passage wants to draw the reader’s attention to the inner world of the person, their feelings and emotions instead of events and outside world. The fact that she often employs explanations in brackets also emphasizes her interest in psychological nature of a man.
The author has good reason to repeat the word “truth” so many times. She tries to impose her perception on the reader that the truth due to its unsteady and subtle nature is opposed to the rational analysis. Only music can feel and know the truth.

Список литературы

Список использованных источников
1.Винокур Т.Г. Закономерности стилистического использования языковых единиц. — М., 1980.
2.Хемингуэй Э. Собрание сочинений (в 4 т), т.1 // Художественная литература, М., 1968.
3.Galperin I. An Essay in Stylistics Analysis. — M., 1968.
4.O’Henry 41 Stories // Издательство: Penguin, 2007. 430c.
5.URL: raybradbury.ru/library/collections
6.URL: bartleby.com/85/3.html
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