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Определения равновесного валютного курса.
Определения равновесного валютного курса.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Moreover, exchange rate misalignments can be a consequence of inappropriate macroeconomic policies and thus indicate the necessity of a shift in monetary or fiscal policy.
The term equilibrium exchange rate has been used to mean many different things by many different people. For some the concept is clearly a long run one. For others even short run movements in exchange rates will represent an equilibrium, because, in the absence of a bubble, the volume of trading in foreign exchange market will drive the system towards equilibrium. Pinning down exactly what people mean when they use this term may therefore be important for understanding how to sensibly use the information they provide. The subject of research are methods to determine the equilibrium exchange rate.
Список литературы
1. Baillie, R.T., and Pecchenino, R.A., (1991), “The Search for Equilibrium Relationships in International Finance: the Case of Monetary Model”, Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 10, pp. 582-593.
2. Bayoumi, T., Clark, P., Symansky, S., and Taylor, M., (1994), ed. J. Williamson, Estimating Equilibrium Exchange Rates, Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C.
3. Bordo M. Exchange Rate Regimes for the Twenty–First Century: An Historical Perspective. — Exchange Rate Regimes Past, Present and Future. Working Paper 92. — Osterreichische Nationalbank, 2004.
4. Breuer, J.B. and Lippert, A.F., (1997), “Internal Relative Price Stationarity in Long-Run Purchasing Power Parity”, Review of International Economics, Vol. 5(2), pp. 195-203.
5. Chinn, MenzieD. (2007). "Interest Parity Conditions". In Reinert, Kenneth A.. Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
6. Dolan, E. J., KempbellK. D., KempbellR. J. Money, banking and monetary Poli-tick. -Saint-Petersburg, 1994. — Chapter. 22.
7. Kireyev A. Macroeconomics. — М., 1998. — H. P.-Ch. 1.2.
8. Madura, Jeff (2007). International Financial Management: Abridged 8th Edition. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.
9. Menzie D. Chinn The Rehabilitation of Interest Rate Parity in the Floating Rate Era Longer Horizons, Alternative Expectations, and Emerging Markets// http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~mchinn/uipsurvey_jan05.pdf
10. Money and Foreign Exchange After 1914 (New York: Constable & Co.).
11. Qureshi M.S., Tsangarides C. The Empirics of Exchange Rate Regimes and Trade: Words vs. Deeds. — IMF Working Paper.
12. Reza Y. Siregar The Concepts of Equilibrium Exchange Rate: A Survey of Literature Staff Paper No. 81 The South East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) Research and Training Centre (The SEACEN Centre) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
13. The International Monetary Fund. — Official Web site. — IMF, 2012.
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