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Туризм на Маврикии. Развитие туристического направления ...


Introduction 3
1. Destination description 4
1.1 Location 4
1.2 Population 4
1.3 Scenery 4
1.4 Attractions 4
1.5 Amount of tourists 5
1.6 Other information 6
2. Factors involved in sustainable tourism destination management 8
2.1 Product marketing and development 8
2.2 Destination planning 11
2.3 Organizational and management structures 14
Conclusion 16
References 17


Sometimes it was rather difficult to find some information about Mauritius, because the island is rather small and it is analyzed not so much. And if some spheres are analyzed and there are some documents, very often they are in French, because it is one of the official languages of the Republic of Mauritius. But I was succeed in finding some information in English or even in Russian and here are results of my survey.

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Île aux Cerfs Island, known in English as the deer island is an island near the east coast of Mauritius. Ile Aux Cerfs is famous for its sandy beaches, beautiful lagoon and big selection of activities and facilities. In Ile Aux Cerfs you are sure to have a day of relaxation and fun on one of the picture-postcard beaches, and to enjoy a swim and snorkeling in the lagoon. This paradise island of Mauritius constitutes of around 100 hectares of land. Nowadays there are no more deers on the island.Chamarel park - 7 colored earth & Chamarel falls. The landscape at Chamarel is truly unique, because it is the only place in world where you can find a clay earth of 7 colors at one place. The colors of these unique dunes are red, brown, violet, green, blue, purple and yellow. The Chamrel park offers another attraction to be relished first, the Waterfall of Chamarel, which is above 100 high.Trou aux Cerfs is a 605 m high extinct volcano located in Curepipe. The crater has been alternately described as 300 meters in diameter, and is 85 meters deep. Trou aux Cerfs is considered the main attractions of Curepipe. In the center of the crater there is a small lake. The volcano is considered as a dormant volcano, which has been formed millions of years ago and was active until 600,000 to 700,000 years ago.Cultural and historical attractionsPort Louis is the capital city and main port of Mauritius, which was built in 1735. Today Port Louis is the largest city in Mauritius. Port Louis is surrounded by a mountain range, called the Port Louis Moka Range which makes it worth watching. Port Louis has conserved many historic and colonial buildings through the years. One of them is a fortification named Fort Adelaide or La Citadelle, built by the British in 1835. The main tourist attractions in Port Louis include the Caudan Waterfront, Port Louis Bazaar, Police Barracks, the Mauritian Chinatown and the old Port Louis theatre. The capital has also three museums which are: the Blue Penny Museum, the Mauritius Natural History Museum and the Mauritius Stamp Museum. At the city center there are number of French styled buildings, which enhances the charm of Port Louis.Euroka Creole House - Eureka House is a unique Creole house built in 1830 in a magnificent garden surrounded by waterfalls of Moka River and the Moka Range. Eureka House is reputed to be one of the largest houses on the island, with 109 doors and windows. The Eureka house was restored and opened to the public as a museum in 1986. The museum has areas dedicated to music, art, antique maps, Chinese and Indian house wares and quirky contraptions like a colonial-era shower.Other attractionsFlacq Market - Flacq is one of the most important villages in Mauritius. This meeting point for inhabitants of the East Mauritius, boasts the country’s largest open air market. The extremely colorful market attracts a large number of people.It’s difficult to call this attraction, but people often come to Mauritius for fishing. This island is famous for fishing for big fishes, such as blue marlin, sharks and so on. Local people have a lot of celebrations because there are a lot of people of different religions here. It looks very beautiful, but it’s not common with tourists to come exactly for these festivals.2.1.2 Site planningThe island is rather small, so tourists can visit the main attractions during one day, especially if they travel by car. If we look at the map of Mauritius, we can see at 65 to 45 kilometers long, so the location of the attraction is rather close to each other.There are approximately 120 different excursions tourists can choose, but the main 4 of them are Mauritius land, sea and water, underwater and flight excursions.Land excursions are the easiest, cheapest and time efficient. Tourists may hike, trek, jeep and choose any way to explore Mauritius. Such excursions may last for different time. During sea and water excursions tourists may have catamaran cruise excursion, see dolphins and whales in their natural habit or fishing in the sea. Those who choose underwater excursions in Mauritius visit coral reefs and see marine life. Sometimes visiting bottom boats, submarines and diving trips are also provided.One more attraction is flight excursion, where people enjoy a helicopter tour, seaplane flight tour or skydiving excursion. This is one of the best attraction Mauritius offers, because there tourists can see amazing panoramic view of island.Anyway, no matters what type of excursion tourist chooses he will get high quality service and find the most suitable variant. Also different parts of Mauritius are suitable for different kinds of activities. Mauritius’ north region is the place to enjoy the biggest selection of cruises, sea activities and underwater excursions. The south of Mauritius, is the best area to enjoy nature and land excursions, including hiking, trekking, animal watching, safari trips and canyoning.2.1.3 Route planning and transportationRailwaysThere are currently no railways in Mauritius. There were previously industrial railways, but these have been abandoned. A railway system existed from 1860s to the 1960s. Due to persistent unprofitability from 1948 to 1953, it was finally closed in 1964.To cope with increasing road traffic congestion, a Light Rail Transit system has been proposed between Curepipe and Port Louis. As of 2011, it is still in the planning stages.The proposed system would cover a distance of some 25 km, with some 13 stations, many located in town centres along the route where existing transport terminals already exist. The end-to-end journey time would be approximately 32 minutes and carriages would be air-conditioned. Headways would vary by time of day, but are expected to be of the order of 5 minutes in peak periods. Access to stations would be by an integrated system of comfortable and reliable feeder buses.Road networkFor a small island of 1 865 km2, there are 2 066 km of roads in Mauritius, of which 48.5% are main roads, 28.7% are secondary roads, 3.6% are motorways and the remaining 19.2% are made up of other types of roads. The number of vehicles per km of road is at 177 as of 2009. The bus network is quite extensive and is organized around Port Louis. New air-conditioned buses have been introduced to link Port Louis with the main residential areas of the island.Kind of transport / Year200020102011Motor-vehicles registered (‘000)244,0384,1400,9Private cars49,9120,4129,3Taxi cars5,06,96,9Vans18,825,926,1Dual purpose vehicles34,948,749,1Lorries and trucks10,513,213,5Buses2,42,82,9Motor cycle24,548,753.4Autocycle92,0110,7112,3Other vehicles6,06,87,4Bus networkMauritius has a widespread bus network with around 220 bus lines and roughly 900 bus stops. They are operated by a number of major companies (National Transport Corporation, Mauritius Bus Transport, Rose Hill Transport, Triolet Bus Service, United Bus Service, Luna Transport) and various individual operators which are organized in regional Bus Owners Co-operative Societies (BOCS). The bus prices are regulated by the Government of Mauritius. However, there is no such thing as an operator independent ticket which could be used across the island.Ports and harboursThere are two main ports in Mauritius: Port Mathurin and Port-Luis.200020102011Arrivals, vessel (number)1,6582,1722,654Freight (‘000 tonnes)5,1916,2306,477Loaded1,5141,1301,091Unloaded3,6775,1005,386Air transport200020102011Landings, aircraft (number)8,34910,16010,121Freight (‘000 tonnes)41,348,345,1Loaded21,224,323,4Unloaded20,124,021,7Mainland Mauritius has only one airport, the well-run Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport. There are two domestic airlines, Air Mauritius and Catovair, both of which connect mainland Mauritius with the island of Rodrigues. If you travel to Mauritius from Russia or Finland, it will be rather difficult because there are no straight flights, so you will change planes somewhere in Russia (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg), Europe (Germany, France, Sweden), Asia (UAE) or Africa (Kenya). In new 2013 year there will be opened new flights straight from Moscow to Mauritius. The company that provides these flights is “Orenburg Airlines” and the flights will be once in 10 days.Air Mauritius also offers helicopter tours and charters from SSR International Airport and a number of major hotels. A full one-hour island tour costs Rs 26,000 for up to four passengers; a quick 15-minute jaunt will set you back Rs 10,000.2.2 Destination planningDestination analysesThe Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) was adopted by 129 countries and territories in the global conference held in Port Louis 10-14 January 2005. The Mauritius Strategy, covering the decade 2005-2015, is the only global development strategy that addresses the unique development problems of small island developing States and sets out the basic principles and specific actions required at the national, regional and international levels to support sustainable development. The interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars of sustainable development are economic development, social development, and environmental protection. The Mauritius Strategy covers climate change and sea level rise; natural and environmental disasters; waste management; marine and coastal resources; freshwater resources; land; energy; tourism; biodiversity; transport and communication; science and technology; trade; education; sustainable production and consumption; health; knowledge management; culture; and the need for building capacity to implement sustainable development policies. Improvements to development planning There is a need to strengthen the integration of the Mauritius Strategy into national development plans and strategies in the Pacific. National sustainable development strategies (NSDSs) are the appropriate tool for implementing the Mauritius Strategy as well as other international and regional frameworks such as the Millennium Development Goals and the Pacific Plan. Effective formulation and implementation of national sustainable development strategies requires the involvement of a broad set of stakeholders at all levels, including government ministries, civil society organizations, private sector organizations, regional agencies and international organizations, including the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). Public consultation and participation play a critical role at almost all stages of the formulation and implementation processes as illustrated in the diagram below. Formulating the national sustainable development strategiesWhile most development plans cover the key economic, social and environmental issues of concern in the region, there are often problems in gaining ownership of plans, translating plans into budget allocations and aid programmes, and monitoring and improving the effectiveness of spending to reach sustainable development and poverty reduction targets. Limited capacity for policy making and implementation is another problem. Implementing the Mauritius Strategy To identify key challenges in implementing the Mauritius Strategy, United Nations ESCAP held an Expert Group Meeting on Mauritius Strategy Implementation in Pacific Small Island Developing States in Suva on 6 to 7 June 2007. The key challenges in the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy 1. Stakeholder support for implementation of the priorities in the Strategy has been lacking at a regional and international level; 2. Countries lack the necessary institutional and planning capacity; 3. Lack of political will and commitment with insufficient budgetary support in key areas; 4. Limited participation of key stakeholders in implementation mechanisms at the national level; 5.

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