
Cinema is the art of illusion

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Код 358546
Дата создания 12 апреля 2013
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Работа выполнена на английском языке. Рассуждение, приводятся аргументы, примеры. Грамотная, правильная речь, красочно оформленная с использованием эпитетов, метафор, сравнений и других тропов ...


What if I say I love you? Will you believe me? Will you believe everyone who says it to you? As for me, I rather doubt. So what about the fact that when we see the actors performing in different movies pronouncing absolutely the same, we do trust them, we do believe that they love each other and they are going to spend the rest of their lives together growing up ten fascinating children, walking with their dog in the mornings and having breakfast sitting at a huge wooden table. How can they all create this kind of illusion?

Illusion is the first of all pleasures. ........

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Illusion is the first of all pleasures. This is a rather famous quotation of Irish dramatist, novelist and poet Oscar Wilde. I have heard it so many times, but I hardly paid any attention to the ostensible sense of this statement. Now when I’m writing and pondering over the subject of illusion, I’ve come to a conclusion that it is really so. We are all happy to meet a wonder in our routine life, and I can say for sure that we all dream or at least dreamt in out childhood to be able to work miracles. Just remember you first time saw a striking person showing magic tricks. Can you recollect what you felt at that moment? As for me, I stood with my mouth open and my eyes extremely enlarged. I couldn’t see anything but that conjurer and his deft hands. That was my first acquaintance with the world of illusion. The second one, as you might have guessed or you might have not, was cinema.
So how do film-makers attain this cherished illusion creating their movies? That’s quite a complicated process where you have to be talented enough to make a go of it. Everything boots here: the actors, the sets, the director, the camera-man, the rest of the crew and, what is the most significant thing, the desire to shoot a splendid film. When we watch a movie, we are some sort of observers; we do not belong to the world we’re looking at, we do not exist there, because we are just sitting in a cosy armchair usually absolutely relaxed and ready for an entertainment. That is one of the reasons why cinema is considered to be an illusion: what we see on the screen of our TVs doesn’t really subsist. In spite of the wall between us and the people beyond the screen, there’s a connection between these two sides. The movies show what happens to us or might happen, and we in our turn somehow live the shown period of the main character’s life with him.
If you still doubt that cinema is illusion, by the way I hope there’re no objections the cinema is the art, I have one more trump in my sleeve. What about the special effects? For instance, explosions, disasters, outer space and many many others. Can you imagine a person flying without any equipment? The film-makers do! And they present it in their works. So if your imagination is not strong enough to fancy a blue-colored woman, cinema is what you really need!

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