
Репозиционирование бренда на рынке.( реферат-краткое содержание дипломной работы)

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Код 353488
Дата создания 06 июля 2013
Страниц 15
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"Repositioning of a brand in the market"

The plan of degree research:
1. The analysis of features repositioning
1.1. Concept, value of positioning at the market
1.2. Problems of development of strategy of positioning
1.3. Technology of repositioning

2. Positioning of LLC «Extra» at the market

2.1. Market descriptions of LLC «Extra»
2.2. Brands of LLC «Extra»
2.3. Studies of portrait of buyer
3. Perfection ways of repositioning brands of LLC «Extra»

3.1. Development of strategy for achievement of the desired position
3.2. Development of technologies of management brands LLC «Extra»
3.3. Development of strategic marketing plan, prognosis of marketings and economic researches of LLC «Extra»

The conclusion
The list of theused literature


Репозиционирование бренда на рынке.( реферат-краткое содержание дипломной работы)

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

to describe the features of co-operation of firm and users of its products as basic subjects in the process of management a brand;
System structurization of planning and management a brand;
developments of practical recommendations on development of brand.
A research object was become by a marketing policy LLC «Extra», and by an object is a brand as key element of repositioning at the market.
First chapter – «The analysis of features repositioning» devoted to the study of theoretical aspects of positioning of brands at the market.
In the first paragraph of the first chapter «Concept, value of positioning at the market» is shown theoretical submission about the nature of strategic decisions of the companies which are aimed at growth and carrying out it at the expense of chosen strategyof positioning.
The purpose of positioning is creation for the users of such impression, that before them unique, unique commodity, that for this brand there is not equivalent replacement.
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