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Chapter 1. Distinctive features of academic hypertexts as a discourse form
1.1. Discourse concept definition
1.2. Stylistic peculiarities of English academic hypertexts
1.3. Academic hypertexts and cognitive models of argumentation
1.4. Terms as an essential component of English academic hypertexts
Chapter 2. Objectivity and expressivity of English academic hypertexts
2.1. Lexical devices used
2.1.1. Use of similes
2.1.2. Use of metaphors
2.1.3. Use of epithets
2.1.4. Use of idioms
2.1.5. Use of cliches
2.1.6. Use of terms
2.2. Syntactic features of English academic hypertexts
2.2.1. Validity of cause-and-effect relation
2.2.2. Use of logical links
2.2.3. Use of parenthetical words and clauses
2.2.4. Use of direct and indirect speech
Hypertexts referred to
Лингвостилистические особенности англоязычного электронного учебного текста
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
The purpose of the study is style analysis of specificity of reporting and argumentation in the academic hypertexts targeted at the English-speaking audience concerning some particular exact, social sciences or humanities. Therefore we intend to take into consideration the following problems:
providing definition of discourse concept,
characterizing academic hypertexts, as a functional style specific to some particular exact, social sciences or humanities,
outlining logic and cognitive bases of the style proper to some particular exact, social sciences or humanities,
studying terms as an essential component of whatsoever academic hypertexts,
analyzing specificity of use of various tropes and cause-and-effect relation specific to English academic hypertexts viewing the current socialand economic problems and evaluating the degree of objectivity in their academic approach.
This research has its own theoretical and practical significance. It is aimed at the detailed and systematic characterization of academic hypertexts, which need further consideration due to the changing academic environment. Its ideas and conclusions may be further developed at the training sessions concerning improving pedagogical strategy/
The research consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography.
In the first part of our study we take into account specific features of the academic hypertexts, the scientific discourse, characterizing scientific discourse in general and economic discourse in particular, carry out linguistic research of that particular functional style argumentation rules and terms.
In the second part of our research we characterize objectivity and expressivity of English academic hypertexts.
As the object of the research we determine academic hypertexts concerning economics (which are the object of our practical analysis in the second part of our research) and consider their lexical devices, syntactic features, use of logical links, parenthetical words and clauses, direct and indirect speech so as to provide the shortlist of linguo-stylistic features of English academic hypertexts (concerning such a social science as economics).
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Hypertexts referred to
1.Bear and Bull Market Run is Unpredictable in the Stock Market - http://ezinearticles.com/?Bear-and-Bull-Market-Run-is-Unpredictable-in-the-Stock-Market&id=1589634
2.BSE brokers blame- http://www.4to40.com/newsat4/index.asp?id=1306
3.Bull or Bear?- http://www.londonstockexchange.com/en-gb/pricesnews/education/interchange/Authors/gregsmith/bullorbear.htm
4.Bull Vs. Bear in Stock Exchange Game - http://www.indianofficer.com/forums/economics/2177-bull-vs-bear-stock-exchange-game.html
5.Market trend - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_trends
6.Staying calm during a bear market - https://retirementplans.vanguard.com/VGApp/pe/PubVgiNews?ArticleName=Stayingcalmbearmkt
7.Stock Market:Bull and Bear Markets - http://www.greekshares.com/bullbe.php
8.The bull may be back despite the bear hug - http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2007-06/18/content_896264.htm
9.The Stock Exchange For Beginners Guide - http://www.stockexchangesecrets.com/stock-exchange-for-beginners-1.html
10.Understanding Bull And Bear Market Situations - http://www.stockexchangesecrets.com/bull-and-bear-market.html
11.What Should The Correct Bear Market Definition Be?- http://www.stockexchangesecrets.com/bear-market-definition.html
12.Who Was Ralph Elliott? - http://www.stockexchangesecrets.com/ralph-elliott.html
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