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Theoretical part:
Chapter I. Literary approach of Charles Dickens to the matter and content
1.1.Formation of Charles Dickens’ literary talent and aesthetic views
1.2. Charles Dickens’ style of writing
1.3. The Pickwick papers: matter and manner
Chapter II. Distinctive features of Pickwick papers’ style
2.1. Active and passive vocabulary of the novel
2.2. Neutral, expressive and affective evaluation models
2.3. Syntactic features
2.4. Tropes and idioms used
2.5. Humour and irony
Practical part:
Analysis of stylistic devices of “Pickwick Papers”
Chapter III. Lexical devices
3.1. Metaphorical collocations
3. 2. Epithets
3. 3. Oxymoronic collocations
3. 4. Idiomatic collocations
3. 4. Idiomatic collocations created by Dickens
3.5. Puns
3. 6. Hyperbolic collocations
Chapter VI. Syntactical devices
4. 1. Direct speech
4. 2. Uttered reported speech
4. 3. Unuttered or inner reported speech
4.4. Gap-sentence links
4.5. Rhetorical questions
"The language style of "Pickwick Papers" by Charles Dickens" или "Humor & Irony of "Pickwick Papers" by Charles Dickens
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
1.2. Charles Dickens’ style of writing
1.3. Pickwick papers: matter and manner
Chapter II. Distinctive features of Pickwick papers’ style
2.1. Active and passive vocabulary of the novel
2.2. Neutral, expressive and affective evaluation models
Список литературы
1.Adolph R. The Rise of Modern Prose Style.- Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1968. – 276p.
2.Arnold I. V. The English Word. - Moscow, 1986. – 124р.
3.Bailey R. Nineteenth-Century English.- Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1996. – 387p.
4.Bakhtin M. The Dialogic Imagination. - Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981. – 354p.
5.Birch D. and O’Toole M. Functions of Style.- London: Pinter Publishers, 1988. – 367p.
6.Carter R. Investigating English Discourse: Language, Literacy and Literature.- London: Routledge, 1997. -465p.
7.Chapman R. Linguistics and Literature: An Introduction to Literary Stylistics. Totowa, N. J.: Littlefield, Adams & Co., 1973. – 432p.
8.Crystal D. and Davy D. Investigating English Style. London and New York: Longman, 1969. – 254p.
9.Emmott C. Narrative Comprehension: a Discourse Perspective. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. - 376p.
10.Enkvist N. E. On Defining Style: An Essay in Applied Linguistics. // Spencer J. (eds.) Linguistics and Style. - London: Oxford UP, 1964. – 276p.
11.Friedman S., Dickens's fiction. Tapestries of conscience – N.Y.: AMS Press, 2003. – 195p.
12.Galperin I. R. An Essay in Stylistic Analysis: M., 1968. – 234p.
13.Galperin I. R. The English Language Stylistics. – M., 1977. – 354p.
14.Gregory M. and Carroll S. Language and Situation: Language Varieties in their Social Contexts. -London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978. – 198p.
15.Hori M. Investigating Dickens' style. A collocational analysis. - Hampshire UK and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. – 254p.
16.Koguchi K. The Language of Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities from a Cohesive Point of View.-, Hiroshima: Research Institute for Language and Culture Yasuda Women's University, 2001. – 254p.
17.Kolln M. Rhetorical Grammar: Grammatical Choices, Rhetorical Effects. - New York: Macmillan, 1991. – 326p.
18.Leech G. N. and Short M. H. Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose. London and New York: Longman, 1981. – 342p.
19.Mcleod N. Lexicogrammar and the reader: three examples from Dickens // Toolan M. (ed.) Language, Text and Context: Essays in Stylistics.- London: Routledge, 1992. - p. 138-57.
20.Mcleod N. Which hand? Reading Great Expectations as a guessing game // Dickens Studies Annual, Vol. 31, New York: AMS Press, 2002. – P.127-57.
21.Page N. 'Forms of address in Dickens'//The Dickensian, 1971, Vol. 67. – P. 16-20.
22.Page N. Speech in the English Novel, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988. – 342p.
23.Paroissien D. What's in a name? Some speculations about Fagin// The Dickensian, 1984, Vol. 80. – P. 41-5.
24.Pound L. The American dialect of Charles Dickens'// American Speech, 1947, Vol. 22. – P. 124-30.
25.Quirk R. Charles Dickens and Appropriate Language.- Durham: University of Durham, 1959. – 198p.
26.Quirk R. Charles Dickens, linguist // The Linguist and the English Language Literature, 1961, Vol. 2, No. 3. –P. 19-28.
27.Quirk R. Some observations on the language of Dickens // A Review of English London: Edward Arnold. - P. 1-37.
28.Riffaferre M. The Stylistic Function. Proceedings of the 9th Interriatidnal Congress of Linguists, The Hague, 1964. – 342p.
29.Rosenberg B. The language of doubt in Oliver Twist// Dickens Quarterly, 1987, Vol. 4, No.2. – P. 91-98.
30.Rosenberg B. Character and Representation in Dickens. - Columbia University, New York, 1982. -265p.
31.Rosenberg B. Vision into language: the style of Dickens's characterization// Dickens Quarterly, 1988, Vol. 11, No. 4. – P. 115-124.
32.Sanders A. Dickens and the spirit of the age. - Oxford: Clarendon press, 2001. – 198p.
33.Soderlind J. A novel by Dickens linguistically analysed// Poetics, 1976. – P. 60-73.
34.Sorensen K. Narrative and speech-rendering in Dickens// Dickens Quarterly, 1989, Vol. 4. –P.131-41.
35.Sorensen K. Charles Dickens: Linguistic Innovator.- Aarhus: Arkona, 1985. – 322p.
36.Sorensen K. Charles Dickens: linguistic innovator// English Studies, 1984, Vol. 65, No. 3. –P. 237-247.
37.Sorensen K. Dickens on the use of English// English Studies, 1989,Vol. 70, No. 6,. – P.551-559.
38.Sorensen K. Subjective narration in Bleak House// English Studies, 1954, Vol. 40. – P. 431-439.
39.Stone H. Dickens and interior monologue// Philological Quarterly, XXXVIII, 1959. – P.52-65.
40.Tabata T. Dickens's narrative style: a statistical approach to chrono¬logical variation// RISSH, 1994, No.30. – p. 165-182.
41.Tabata T. Investigating stylistic variation in Dickens through correspondence analysis of word-class distribution// Saito T., Nakamura J. and Yamazaki S. (eds) English Corpus Linguistics in Japan, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002. -p. 165-182.
42.Tabata T. Narrative style and the frequencies of very common words: a corpus-based approach to Dickens's first-person and third-person narratives// English Corpus Studies, 1995, No.2. – p. 91-109.
43.Vlock D., Dickens, novel reading, and the Victorian popular theatre. – Cambridge univ. press, 1998. – 226p.
44.Wales K. Dickens and interior monologue: the opening of Edwin Drood reconsidered// Language and Style, 1981, Vol. 17. – P.234-250.
45.Widdowson H. G. Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature. Essex: Longman, 1975. – 276p.
46.Yamamoto T. Growth and System of the Language of Dickens.- Hiroshima: Keisuisha, 2003. – 322p.
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