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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Donald [2] finds two reasons for joining a social network. The first one is connected with human instincts and needs. As was stated already by Aristotel in his idea of a man being a social animal, social interaction itself is one of basic human needs. The second is connected with a higher and more sophisticated psychological need to be informed “an updated with the newest information as fast as possible” [2]. Latest example of Russian social communication are coming from the Russian Government. At an official meeting with the President, which was attended by around 100 officials, President surfing in the Internet found out that one of the Governors is tweeting just from the meeting and remarked upon this fact in broad daylight. This example shows that even officials, who tend to suppress their instincts while meeting President, are getting more and more into networks even within their professional life.
Another interesting psychological phenomenon connected with social networking is self-presentation in the web-site profiles. Although one can anticipate that users will try to reflect their own personality fully in their profiles, this objective reflection may vary substantially. From one point of view, users may have quite a complex strategy of completing a profile in regards to their personality. Another interesting phenomenon inside this problem is “Fakesters” who never construct a profile close to reality because of different psychological and social reasons.
Self-presentation can be also expressed through amount of friendship links which also can be revealed or not. A list of friends is treated by user’s as one of their possible advantages, hence, as Zinman and Donath (2007, qtd. by Boyd & Ellison) have shown, spammers looking for new links and targets for their spam use the willingness on social network user’s to connect to interesting people.
Business prospective
Business researches especially those connected with marketing have already paid a lot of attention to social networking and this is not by chance. As is mentioned by Rossides, recently it was put “the number of social networking sites at 250,000 – an enormous number by any account and one that is growing daily” [6]. This pure figure is quite enough to attract those who’d like to earn money with better marketing.
Rossides examines a number of social networking factors that could be of interest for business. First of all, he states that the importance of social networking for business is growing rapidly. The main attraction for business in social networking is the amount of users vs. resources necessary for advertising. It is generally acknowledged that marketing through social networks is one of the cheapest ways to develop business, especially if we take into consideration the number of people reached by the information. This is warmly welcomed by any business at any time and even more in recession times when resources are scarce.
However, it is still a challenge business and marketers to invent a working advertising model for internet because as is shown in Harvard Business School research, “traditional-advertising business model may not work on social media, and the click-through rates of advertising on network sites is very low – because people do not go to these sites to look for information about specific products” [qtd. by Rossides, 6].
Thus, business prospective shows that although it is clear that social networking is a source of unthinkably high profits it is still a question how to get closer to them.
Social networking is still growing rapidly and neither of the researchers can predict its future. This psychological, cultural and business phenomenon is already investigated both theoretically and practically for the purposes of future society development.
The main reason for using social networks is found in the fact that technological advancements of the XXI century have put more emphasis on the effectiveness of any person’s action including communication. To explain this phenomenon even clearer B. Donald suggested a brilliant metaphor calling internet social networks “Human Social Interaction 2.0” showing in this computer term that social networking is actually an advanced version of human communication.
One can say that regardless psychological or social distractions, questionable morality and still unclear benefits of social networking, it has become a port of human everyday life being an integral characteristic of our society.
1. Danah M. Boyd, Nicole B. Ellison. Social Network Sites: Definition, History and Scholarship. 2007 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11. http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol13/issue1/boyd.ellison.html
Список литературы
1.Danah M. Boyd, Nicole B. Ellison. Social Network Sites: Definition, History and Scholarship. 2007 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11. http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol13/issue1/boyd.ellison.html
2.Donald, Ben. A (Social) Networking Phenomenon. Online posting. 18 Nov 2009. Academic Perspective http://www.academicperspective.com/2009/11/18/a-social-networking-phenomenon/
3.Harris, Scott Duke. Planet Facebook: Is social-networking site a phenomenon or a fad? 2009. San Jose Mercury News (San Jose, Calif.) http://www.physorg.com/news165051388.html
4.Lenhart, Amanda; Purcell, Kristen; Smith, Aaron; Zickuhr, Kathryn. Social Media and Young Adults. Summary of findings. 3 Feb 2010 http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Social-Media-and-Young-Adults/Summary-of-Findings/Overview.aspx
5.Nagele, Chris. Social Networks Research Report. 25 July 2005. Wildbit. http://wildbit.com/wildbit-sn-report.pdf
6.Rossides, Nicos. The Social Networking Phenomenon: Implications for Marketers and Market Researchers. Masmi Viewpoints Whitepapers. http://www.masmi.com/global/main.php?action=aatext&page=aatext&design=default&aatext_id=168
7.Social Networking – What Every Business Should Know. May 2008 A ScanSafe White paper. http://www.scansafe.com/downloads/whitepapers/ScanSafe_Social_Networking.pdf
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