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1 The way the corporate structure can effect HR strategies
2 Variation of preferred corporate culture across the world
3 An examples of company corporate culture
List of literature
Corporate culture
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Motivational value of corporate culture is difficult for overestimating: workers not simply start to perceive its norms as specific stimulus or restrictions, its values influence all elements of subjective process of motivation (requirement, interests and values of the worker). Principles, norms and values of corporate culture can effectively motivate the personnel only under condition of their realization, orientation to them of all system of administrative influences.
2 Variation of preferred corporate culture across the world
There is no such type of corporate culture that is effective for any conditions. For each corporate culture type there are borders of conditions, when its efficiency, at least, not lower, than at other types. It is obvious that there are historically developed «branch norms». For example in financial sphere is accepted strict, outwardly discharged and formal style of relationship between employees. But in bank sphere, certainly, there are differences in corporate culture. For example, working basically with small-scale business the bank objectively will be on mentality another, than the bank which is guided exclusively on big clients.
Let's consider the basic typology of corporate culture, applied by management experts. The most famous typology among west companies was offered by Jeffrey Zonnenfeldom. In its classification the type "Baseball team" is rather close to the type "Guided missile" described by Trompenaarsom. This type is characteristic for the venture companies working in the conditions of strong feedback on promptly changing and highly risk market segments (IT, telecommunications, advertizing and PR, political consulting, share operations, show business, and the film industry). 5
The quantity of employees of the companies of type of "Baseball team" in most cases doesn't exceed several tens persons. And there, where the aggregate number of the personnel is more than hundred, This type is extended, as a rule, in information and virtual economy. It practically doesn't meet in industrial manufacture (unless as the group specializing on working out of innovative products with high potential of a demand by the market).
Psychological atmosphere of the western cultural type "Club", typical for the companies working in rather steady niches, has some similarity to type "Family". Loyalty to the general system of values and its carrier-leader encouraging experience and professional advantages of subordinates is appreciated. It is impossible to name "club" as absolutely closed for an external world, but as a whole career growth «beginners from outside» isn't welcomed. Outwardly such companies often look as "closed" in which any changes "are digested" slowly, gradually. 6
The majority of new employees come to the similar companies on lower positions. To get a higher position workers have to gain experience of "systematically meticulous" work in the same firm with numerous official moving "across" for reception of a wide professional outlook (experts of the general profile). In such organizations many people work as decades. In this respect personnel selection in "club" reminds traditions of officer career in army where come young after reception of base formation and through rotation of various command-staff posts consistently move ahead to higher under the status to positions. Thus, certainly, career growth occurs rather slowly and with big «a stock of the verified durability» within the limits of an original cult of professional skill. Turnover of staff in the companies of "club" type is minimum, and the big age and the experience of work give priority by consideration of nominees on increase in a post more likely.
If the limiting scale of effective "Family" in business is some tens employees "Club" can quite integrate tens, and even hundred thousand people. This type of a technological collectivism is extended in the industry.
As well as "Club", cultural type "Academy" is oriented on gradual career development of the employees who is interested in long-term cooperation with the company. But if "Club" is guided by official growth of professionals of a wide profile "the academic" company waits for return from "superexperts". Certainly, for formation of atmosphere of "Academy" are necessary traditions estimated in decades, and reliability of economic base, and high level of stability of environment in which the company works. It is considered, this type exists in such corporations, as Coca Cola, Ford, General Motors. 7
The fourth type of culture described by Zonnenfeldom, — "Fortress", concerns the majority of the Russian companies. It is organizations which have recently lost the former positions in the market as a result of unsuccessful decisions of a management or owing to low adaptability to changes of environment. This type is characteristic frequent re-structurings of a control system, unproductive atmosphere of relations, traditions of a rearrangement of fault on external factors, absence of guarantees of the long-term and adequately paid work, the extremely limited possibilities of professional growth. For employees work in such company is difficult.
Let's consider the most practical, effective approach to corporate culture. From the point of view of the owner of business, value of corporate culture is defined by its contribution to achievement of the basic purpose of business — maximizations of riches of shareholders and company cost. The basic purpose of management and application of corporate culture is maximization of the cost created as a result of introduction and development of corporate culture.
3 An examples of company corporate culture
Ford Motor Company is pioneer in concept of corporate culture: Mr. Ford was the first who has started to shake hands to workers and to congratulate them on holidays, caring of creation of favorable atmosphere and personal adherence of employees. Innovations of the founding father, provided to the enterprise in due time financial success, have been forced out by corporate governance standards. The result is quite natural – the company has appeared in deep crisis, and Alan Malalli has begun the anti-recessionary program with resuscitation of corporate culture: dinners in the general dining room, meetings with linear managers, strengthenings of informal contacts and displays of personal attention to subordinate employees. 8
The culture of "Intel» corporation is based on six accurately formulated principles by which employees of corporation are guided in the decision of the general problems:
Orientation to the consumer.
Список литературы
List of literature
1.Ananieva E. Corporate culture//Management, 2010.-№9
2.Charles Hampoen Managing people.-Capstone publishing Ltd, 2004
3.Corporate culture influence to personal motivation//Human recourses management , 2008.- N 9
4.Ivanova S. Stimulate affect of Corporate culture // Personnel management guide , 2008.-№4
5.Kameron К, Kuinn R. Analysis and change of organizational culture. The Lane with English — S-pb.: Peter, 2001. — 100 p
6.Lapina T.A. Corporate cultire.- Omsk.:OmSU, 2005. – 96 p.
7.Spivak V. A. Corporate culture: the theory and practice. — S-pb.: Peter, 2001-13 p
8.What is the best type of corporate culture// Corporate culture. 2006.- №16 (261)
9.What is the best type of corporate culture// Corporate culture. 2006.- №16 (261)
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