
An archetypal metaphor in political discourse.

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Дата создания 06 июля 2013
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Chapter 1. Archetypal metaphor
1.1. Linguistic approach to metaphor
1.2. Cultural archetypes
Chapter 2. Metaphor in political communication
2.1. Basic characteristics of political discourse
2.2. The role of metaphor in political speeches
Chapter 3. Archetypal metaphor and emotive function
3.1. Archetypal metaphor definition and types
3.2. Emotive function of archetypal metaphors
Chapter 4. Popular archetypal metaphors
4.1. Archetypal metaphors in the speeches of Martin Luther King
4.1.1. Martin Luther King’s rhetoroc
4.1.2. Key archetypal metaphors in Martin Luther King’s speeches
4.2. Archetypal metaphors in the speeches of Barack Obama
4.2.1. Obama’s Rhetoric
4.2.2. Key archetypal metaphor in Obama’s rhetoric – American Dream
4.2.3. Other archetypal metaphors in Obama’s rhetoric
Chapter 5. Prosodic characteristics of political speeches
5.1. Prosodic characteristics of the speeches of Martin Luther King
5.2. Prosodic characteristics of the speeches of Barack Obama
Works cited


An archetypal metaphor in political discourse.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The language of any nation is metaphorical probably from the very first moment of its existence. Some metaphors have appeared so long ago that today have become usual and hence not obvious to many speakers and recipients. However, even in case a recipient doesn’t spot a metaphor in the speech, it still does its work. And its main goal is to influence the recipient and make him feel, think and do what the speaker wants.
In this paper we investigated mostly the phenomena of archetypal metaphors which in public speeches.
The idea of a specific nature of archetypal metaphors has appeared relatively recently. M. Osborn was the first to formulate the theory which was later revised and extended.
In M. Osborn’s perception archetypal metaphor is the most “ancient” metaphor which is clear to absolute major audience. It is used much more frequently than non- archetypal. And this is because it is clear to everyone. If a speaker would like to make his/her speech more figurative this is an archetypal metaphor which is used in most cases: it is clear to everyone, the speaker doesn’t have to make it up and he doesn’t have to fear that someone may not understand what he’s saying.
A very interesting feature of archetypal metaphors that proves their cognitive content and universal character is that these metaphors are the same at all times and in all cultures and depend little on the short-term conditions of their actualization. So, this is a “foreigner-friendly” rhetoric device. Even if the recipient is not good in the language of the speech or even is the interpretation is not accurate, these metaphors can be easily understood.
Archetypal metaphors are grounded in prominent features of human experience, which means that they are based on the very common routine which is known to everyone. This, by the way, also implies that the archetypal metaphors use only those concepts that are fairly clear to anyone: life, journey, war, politics, family etc.
Archetypal metaphors always relate to basic human needs. The never dwell upon something which is not universal. So, this is a common experience and the common interest at the same time.
Due to its versatility archetypal metaphors have an impact on the greater part of the audience. Because of this universal character an archetypal metaphor may be the only thing from the speech which will be surely understood by every recipient.
In any society, archetypal metaphors are often found in the most important parts of the most important political references, which grants the attention of the recipients to the archetypal metaphors.
We have analyzed the use of archetypal metaphors in the speeches of Martin Luther King and Barack Obama. We have identified almost all the archetypal metaphors suggested by M. Osborn. But concluding the paper we would like to elaborate more on the links between the archetypal metaphors in Martin Luther King and Barack Obama discourses.
Martin Luther King was probably the first to bring a new archetypal metaphor of “dream” (and later “an American dream”) to American public and political discourse. In his speech “I have a dream” besides the common archetypal metaphors of “politics is war” etc. there is a metaphor of a “dream” as a forecasted future for which everyone shall struggle. He also speak in this connection about his children who are here technically connected with the dream. So, the actual metaphor here is “my children will live in my dream”. Thus, this metaphor of dream is closely connected with the archetypal metaphor of family.
The same two metaphors (naturally, besides others) become the center of Barack Obama’s speeches. He elaborates a lot on the issues of his belonging to a specific nation using the archetypal metaphor “nation is family” and makes it even clearer in his book “Dreams from My Father”. Thus he establishes a sound link between King’s idea of “kids in future” and his own of “kids have grown up and the dream has come true”.
The link between these two concepts is not only ideological; it is grounded on real events: first black president in the U.S., broader rights of black people etc. But at the same time these real events get their metaphorical reflection in Obama’s speech. This allows Obama to bring his recipients” attention once again to the achievements of the society and thus inspire them for new steps.
It is interesting to mention that this metaphorical link between King and Obama “father – son” is supported in a range of technical rhetoric devices. Many investigators say that Obama’s voice and style of speaking is very close to King’s:

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