
Катастрофа нефтяной станции ВР в Мексиканском заливе.

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Глава 1. Скважина Макондо. Основные положения
Глава 2. Хронология событий на платформе Deepwater Horizon
Глава 3. Анализ аварии на платформе Deepwater Horizon
Глава 4. Рекомендации, представленные в результате расследования
на платформе Deepwater Horizon
Список литературы


Катастрофа нефтяной станции ВР в Мексиканском заливе.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления


Список литературы

"Список литературы
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24. Bartley J. Eckhardt, PE & Arthur Faherty (20 May 2010). ""Forensic Anatomy of the Events on the Deepwater Horizon"". Robson Forensic. pp. 8. Retrieved 23 Jun. 2010.
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28. ""Kaskida"". Oil & Gas Investor. 1 Apr. 2007. Retrieved 23 Jun. 2010. Alternate link
29.Anadarko Petroleum (31 August 2006). ""BP & Partners Make Discovery at Kaskida Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico"". Press release. Retrieved 24 April 2010.
30.TransOcean (2 September 2009). ""Deepwater Horizon Drills World's Deepest Oil & Gas Well"". Press release. Retrieved 2 September 2009.
31.""BP drills oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico"". Offshore Magazine (PennWell Corporation). 2 September 2009. Retrieved 22 April 2010.
32. Braden Reddall (2 September 2009). ""Transocean says well at BP discovery deepest ever"". Reuters. Retrieved 22 April 2010.
33. ""Transocean's Deepwater Horizon drills world's deepest oil and gas well"". Red Mist Media. Retrieved 26 May 2010.
34. ""Fleet Status Report"". Transocean. 13 April 2010. Retrieved 9 June 2010.
35. ""Macondo Prospect, Gulf of Mexico, USA"". offshore-technology.com. 20 Oct. 2005. Retrieved 9 May 2010.
36. ""Central Gulf of Mexico Planning Area Lease Sale 206 Information"". US Minerals Management Service. 8 Aug. 2008. Retrieved 6 Jun. 2010.
37.Robertson, Cambell; Robbins, Liz (22 April 2010). ""Oil Rig Sinks in the Gulf of Mexico"". The New York Times. Retrieved 22 April 2010.
38. BP (21 April 2010). ""BP confirms that Transocean Ltd issued the following statement today"". Press release. Retrieved 21 April 2010.
39. ""Gibbs: Deepwater Horizon Aftermath Could Affect Next Lease Sale"". Rigzone. 30 Apr. 2010. Retrieved 18 May 2010.
40.""Review: Oil rig inspections fell short of guidelines"". Associated Press. 16 May 2010. Retrieved 24 Jun. 2010.
41. Brenner, Noah; Guegel, Anthony; Watts, Rob; Pitt, Anthea (29 Apr. 2010). ""Horizon crew tried to activate BOP"". Upstream Online (NHST Media Group). Retrieved 4 Jun. 2010.
42. Resnick-Ault, Jessica; Klimasinska, Katarzyna (22 April 2010). ""Transocean Oil-Drilling Rig Sinks in Gulf of Mexico"". Bloomberg. Retrieved 22 April 2010.
43. ""Deepwater Horizon Incident, Gulf of Mexico"". National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Response and Restoration. 24 April 2010. Retrieved 25 April 2010.
44. ""Bird Habitats Threatened by Oil Spill"". National Wildlife (National Wildlife Federation). 30 April 2010. Retrieved 2 May 2010.
45. ""US Government: Deepwater Horizon Well Is Effectively Dead"". 2009-09-19. Retrieved 2009-09-19.
46. Green, Meg (7 May 2010). rers Have Already Paid $401 Million for Deepwater Horizon Loss"". Insurance news net. Retrieved 17 June 2010.
47. Fortson, Danny (9 May 2010). ""Rig firm’s $270m profit from deadly spill"". The Sunday Times (London). Retrieved 17 Jun. 2010.
48.Stempel, Jonathan (2010-06-30). ""Special Report - BP oil spill a gusher for lawyers"". Reuters Africa. Retrieved 2010-07-19.
49. ""BP: Eagles and vultures"". Financial Times. 2010-07-01. Retrieved 2010-07-19.
50.Deepwater Horizon Accident Investigation Report.
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