
Евразийская интеграция(Путин)

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Евразийская интеграция(Путин)

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

It is crucial that the Common Economic Space is rooted in coordinated action in key institutional areas such as: macroeconomics, ensuring competition, technical regulations, agricultural subsidies, transport, and natural monopolies tariffs. Later, this framework will also include common visa and migration policies, allowing border controls between these states to be lifted. In fact, the countries are adapting the experience of the Schengen Agreement that benefits Europeans as well as everyone who comes to work, study, or holiday in the EU. For the general public it will mean that they have a free choice about where to live, study, or work. This is not the only difference between the current Eurasian integration and the Soviet Union. This time the call for close integration is based on newvalues and a new political and economic foundation. The project suggests a powerful association capable of becoming one of the poles in the modern world and serving as an efficient bridge between Europe and the dynamic Asia-Pacific region. It also implies transitioning to closer coordination in economic and currency policies in the current Customs Union and CES and establishing a full-fledged economic union. Its natural resources, capital, and potent reserve of human resources will combine to put the Eurasian Union in a strong competitive position in the industry and technology race, in the struggle for investors, for the creation of new jobs and the establishment of cutting-edge facilities. According to Putin, this Eurasian Union will also benefit businesses, as it will bring new dynamic markets governed by unified standards and regulations for goods and services – in most cases consistent with European standards. It will be possible to speak of real jurisdiction competition for entrepreneurs. The freedom to choose in which of the three countries to register companies, where to do business and file customs registration will be a serious incentive for national administrative systems to start improving their market institutions, administrative procedures and their business and investment climate.
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