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That is why it offers its customers an extensive range of energy-saving transport options and climate-neutral products and why it has set an ambitious climate protection goal. Dynamic route planning is what the SmartTruck is about. This state-of-the-art delivery vehicle saves time, money and emissions by intelligently navigating the best route in real time.The company uses such initiative as GoGrean, aimed at providing transparency in data on carbon emissions, improving efficiency by using alternative fuel, mobilising employees by raising their awareness about the programme through training and introducing a carbon calculator, by offering green solutions by providing customers with carbon certificates from climate protection projects, by demonstrating leadership by initiating driving theEuropean alliance to make fuel consumption in road transport more transparent, by GoHelp – disaster management initiative in disaster –prone regions. Exposure to ecological factors has become a crucial challenge for the company, leaving room for innovations. As for the internal environment of DP DHL, corporate culture and HR-practices have become key success factors for the company as these aspects are the main facilitators of corporate initiatives. The analysis of the company’s corporate culture in regards to the four basic corporate types, such as control (hierarchy), compete (market), collaboration (clan), create (adhocracy) revealed that the DP DHL belongs to the collaboration or clan type. It aims to provide employees with “a safe and fulfilling environment and an opportunity to grow and learn”. The main peculiarities of the company’s philosophy shaping its corporate culture are:Decentralisation with empowering everyone in the organisation to carry out decisions;Leaders as mentors;Strong group loyalty and sense of tradition.The company propagates the principle of two-way trust, embracing six fundamental rights provided to the employees:The right to be involved;The right to understand the available career opportunities;The right to share in the risks and rewards;The right to influence one’s own future;The right to make a commitment to the company;The right to familial relationship with the company.Clan culture enabled the company to provide faster and more effective services and helped it outperform the competitors and take leading positions in the market. The seven characteristics of DP DHL’s culture are:Encouragement of individual and internal stability, supported by investments in training and development programme. It is aimed at fostering employee loyalty and commitment. Employees are coached in DP DHL’s five tenets of leadership:Lead by example;Foster self-esteem in others;Focus on the particular situation or behaviour, not on the person;Focus on the positive in relationships in co-workers and managers;Find ways of improving things.Encouragement of organisational cohesion and a we/they mindset by thinking in terms of a clan rather than individuals. Encouragement of self-sufficiency and creating business walls by creating partnership networks to get protected from external uncertainties.Barriers and a common mindset as recruitment criteria. People who do not fit the corporate culture cannot be hired, while people who share the company’s way of doing things and its values have the common mindset and is the best candidate. Company believes that only by sharing its values employees can contribute to its development and growth. Belief in the importance of clan identity enables all employees to get deeper insights into the business model and company’s core activities. Greater latitude of trust for insiders; honour and penalties. DP DHL considers the three Cs – communication, consensus and commitment – to be the foundation for trust. The company tolerates mistakes as a way to learn and innovate. However the company considers dishonesty as the most shameful offence. The patriarchal clan control. The head of the company is expected to convey company’s clear philosophy and strong management values to the others. The DP DHL’s corporate culture can be identified as learning and supportive culture and seems to be a powerful tool for corporate development and innovation. However the role of the organisational structure in successful management should not be diminished as well. The company has a divisional structure. It is organised into four divisions, operating under the control of separate divisional headquarters. The company management function is performed by the Corporate Centre (CEO, Finance, HR department). The Global Business services department comprises Procurement and IT functions. The divisional structure enables the company to escape hierarchical structure and exercise employee empowerment practices in decision making processes. Such structure can better accommodate clan culture as it provides better conditions for decentralisation and participative management. HR-practices. As human resources are the main source of competitive advantage of DP DHL, it has to employ the most efficient HR-practices to attract, motivate, and retain the best employees for sustainable growth. As mentioned earlier DP DHL is striving to become not only the first choice to customers and shareholders, but also stakeholders. Employees are the key stakeholders of the company who are united with the believe of “One team one vision”. In order to become the employee of the choice DP DHL focuses on such strategically crucial HR-functions as: Resourcing or strategic personnel planning, Talent management, People development, Engagement, organisational commitment, etc. Strategic personnel planning.
Список литературы
1.Armstrong M., 2008. Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action, 4th edition
2.Clan organisations for times of upheaval and change, 1999, Management research, 19, pp. 37-39
3.Hitt, M., et. al., 2005. Strategic management: Competitiveness and globalization: Concepts (6th edition): Thompson/ Southwestern, pp. 34-37.
4.Holbeche L., 1999. Aligning Human Resource and Business Strategy- Oxford: Butterworth Einmann, p.14-19
5.Salaman G., et. al., 2005. Strategic human resource management: theory and practice. 2 edition. London: Sage publications., 350p.
6.Waya S.A., et al., 2005. Theorizing about the impact of strategic human resource management. Human Resource Management Review 15, pp. 1–19
7.DP DHL Annual report 2011, available from www. Dhl.com [accessed 21.03.12]
8.Tharp B. Four Organizational Culture Types// Organisational culture white paper. Available from: http://www.haworth-europe.com/en/content/download/30883/1230768/file/white-paper_Four-Organizational-Culture-Types.pdf [accessed 22.03.12]
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