
Objctivity in reporting ( на материалах иностранной прессы о России)

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Код 342579
Дата создания 07 июля 2013
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Chapter 1. Distinctive features of journalism as a discourse form
1.1. Discourse concept definition
1.2. Stylistic peculiarities of political essays
1.3. Journalism information field and cognitive models of argumentation
1.4. Objectivity and expression forms of expressivity, evaluation and emotionality
Chapter 2. Objectivity of political essays concerning Russia in the Western mass media
2.1. Bias in evaluation and comparison
2.1.1. Use of similes
2.1.2. Use of metaphors
2.1.3. Use of epithets
2.1.4. Use of understatement means
2.1.5. Use of periphrasis and euphemisms
2.1.6. Use of cliches and derogatory remarks
2.1.7. Use of hyperboles
2.1.8. Use of idioms
2.2. Validity of cause-and-effect relation
Political essays used


Objctivity in reporting ( на материалах иностранной прессы о России)

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

This study is concerned with some of the reasons why we should study the forms of journalism more closely for a while, apart from the content and effects of journalistic messages. We therefore maintain that form can — to some extent — be separated from content. Some people argue that the aspects of communication are too closely entwined to be sepa­rated meaningfully. It is impossible to talk about one aspect without refer­ring to the others. In this paper we take it more or less for granted that for­mal characteristics can be isolated in journalism, if only because text­books in journalism are full of recipes containing descriptions of formal elements.
A more difficult problem is whether the mode of speech and the accompanying formal arrangements of the text include some given modes of interpretation by the public. For instance, the editorial, the news report and the feature may contain an unknown number of topics as forms, but they signify only three different styles of writing carrying an implicit mes­sage of how to interpret the author's intent. How closely styles of writing and presentation correlate with modes of interpretation is a problem I want to leave aside in this paper. We are more interested in the sender side of our problem. However, a regular feature of sender strategies is the na­ture of the audience. Journalism is embedded in more comprehensive so­cial mores. Changes in form requires concurrent changes in rules of inter­action, both for journalists and for their sources of information. But the kinds of information sources journalists usually contact is influenced by their own attitude to various phenomena, officials and political events as well as the nature of their audience.
The urgency of the present research is determined by the general orientation of the modern functional style distinctive paradigms. The approach proper to structural semantics adepts enables to find out a number of cognitive structures specific to representation of knowledge by these or those language forms, implicitly or explicitly. Most of the current linguistic researches strictly correspond to or mainly follow principles of cognitive and structural semantics, search for semantic meta paroles so as to provide objective description and analysis of the structure macro- and micro- components and distinctive features of this or that discourse.
So as to provide the theoretical basis required concerning discourse theories, functional style distinctive features, stylistic and semantic categories of expressivity, evaluation and emotionality, use of various tropes we refer to the latest linguistic theories developed by a number of researchers, among whom we focus mostly on N.D. Arutunova, I.V. Arnold, E.I. Sheigal, T.A. van Dijk, J.L.Austin, W.Empson, T.Givon, J.J.Gumperz, G.Leech, J.R. Searle, M.Shapiro, D.Shiffrin, A.Wierzbicka and many other both Russian and foreign linguists.
The purpose of the study is style analysis of specificity of reporting and argumentation in the political essays of English-speaking journalists concerning the current political situation in Russia. Therefore we intend to take into consideration the following problems:
providing definition of discourse concept,
 characterizing political essays, as a functional style specific to journalism and mass media,
 outlining logic and cognitive bases of the style proper to political essays,

Список литературы

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