
"Terrorism: it is high time to stop that war" (Терроризм: это тяжелое время для останвки этой войны).

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"Terrorism: it is high time to stop that war" (Терроризм: это тяжелое время для останвки этой войны).

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

A second argument against the need for just cause in wars with terrorists rests on the claim that legitimate governments do not require just cause when they fight rebels or terrorists because rebels and terrorists plan for actions against nation non-contingently. Their plans represent the first steps which will actually lead to (and in effect already constitute) attack. This is directly contrary to legitimate governments who plan contingently, that is legitimate nations plan to take action only if some particular action is taken by someone else. Because the terrorists and rebels are planning non-contingently, they are in effect already at war, so just cause no longer applies.
I think arresting terrorists in Buffalo or Paris, or even attacking them in Yemen are fundamentally different than attacking them in Iraq or Iran. Just Cause is not required for internal law enforcement, but it is required when we breach sovereignty, it is required for war. Yes, terrorists and rebels plan non-contingently, as do all criminals. But, our ability to take preventative measures against them within our own borders should not be confused with an ability to start a preventative war with another nation. We cannot dismiss just cause simply because we are fighting against terrorism.
One or two other criteria must be also met in order for just cause to be satisfied. Either a) we need to be authorized by the UN to enforce the resolution and international law or b) the crimes against humanity must be so egregious as to constitute a violation of human rights that is in the words of Michael Walzer “literally unbearable”, something akin to genocide. If one of these criteria is not met, then I fear that we would lack the proper authority to have a truly just cause.
So, if just cause can never be met or merely brushed aside in a preventative war, is it possible for a preventative war to be just? The answer to anyone but the most strict Kantian would seem to have to be yes. In order to find a defense, however we should not look to the future, but rather to the past. We have already morally justified a preventative war at least once in our history when we defended the justice of the demand for unconditional surrender. With a demand for unconditional surrender we continue fighting because the chance of future war is likely and the impacts of that war on the world would be devastating. Furthermore, the demand for unconditional surrender is just if and only if both the likelihood of a future war is high and the consequences of that war would be unbearable. Both of these conditions would have to be met, one without the other is not enough. Moreover, the requirement for preventative war should be even more restrictive because we do not merely continue the fight, we initiate it. Therefore, preventative wars can be just if and only if both the likelihood of a future war is extremely high and the consequences of that war would be literally unbearable.
So, in conclusion, although countries are not necessarily required to wait until an attack has occurred, morality does seem to require them to err on the side of caution and not on the side of war. In the years ahead, we must be extremely cautious in both our words, in the war on terrorism, and more importantly our deeds, in the very real wars that will fall under its umbrella, if in the words of our commander in chief “our flag is to continue to represent something more than just Our Power and Our Interests.”
1. Арутюнов С. Терроризм и цивилизация: змея кусает себя за хвост // Иностранная литература. 2004. № 9. С.226-233.
2. Baudrillard J. The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena. London, 2002. – 312 p.
3. Grossman L. Why 9/11 Conspiracies Won’t Go Away // Time Magazine. – 2006. – 3. 09.
4. Halliday F. Terrorism in Historical Context. openDemocracy.net. 22.4.2004. www.opendemocracy.net/articles/View.jsp?id=1865.
5. Marc. O. Hedahl. Stop calling it the War on Terrorism: An Argument for Moral Clarity // http://www.usafa.edu/isme/JSCOPE03/Hedahl03.html.
6. Клаузевитц Г. О войне. – М.: Захаров, 2004. – 256 с.
7. Кубацкая-Ясецкая Д. Психологический портрет террориста // Иностранная литература. 2004. № 9. С.123-126.
8. Кузнецов Д. События 11 сентября 2001 года: контрверсии // Свободная мысль. – 2008. - № 9. – С. 157-165.
9. Кьеза Дж. ZERO. Почему официальную версию событий 11 сентября 2001 года можно считать фальшивкой. – М.: Трибуна, 2008. – 368 с.
10. Левашов В.К. Безопасность и терроризм // Социс. - 2005. - № 7. – С.112-120.
11. Мансуров В.А., Семенова А.В. «Московский комсомолец»: контент-анализ публикаций о терактах 2004 г. и терроризме // Социс. – 2007. - № 8.
12. Мюнклер Х. Терроризм сегодня. Пер. с нем. // Иностранная литература. 2004. № 9. С.218-225.

Список литературы

1.Арутюнов С. Терроризм и цивилизация: змея кусает себя за хвост // Иностранная литература. 2004. № 9. С.226-233.
2.Baudrillard J. The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena. London, 2002. – 312 p.
3.Grossman L. Why 9/11 Conspiracies Won’t Go Away // Time Magazine. – 2006. – 3. 09.
4.Halliday F. Terrorism in Historical Context. openDemocracy.net. 22.4.2004. www.opendemocracy.net/articles/View.jsp?id=1865.
5.Marc. O. Hedahl. Stop calling it the War on Terrorism: An Argument for Moral Clarity // http://www.usafa.edu/isme/JSCOPE03/Hedahl03.html.
6.Клаузевитц Г. О войне. – М.: Захаров, 2004. – 256 с.
7.Кубацкая-Ясецкая Д. Психологический портрет террориста // Иностранная литература. 2004. № 9. С.123-126.
8.Кузнецов Д. События 11 сентября 2001 года: контрверсии // Свободная мысль. – 2008. - № 9. – С. 157-165.
9.Кьеза Дж. ZERO. Почему официальную версию событий 11 сентября 2001 года можно считать фальшивкой. – М.: Трибуна, 2008. – 368 с.
10.Левашов В.К. Безопасность и терроризм // Социс. - 2005. - № 7. – С.112-120.
11.Мансуров В.А., Семенова А.В. «Московский комсомолец»: контент-анализ публикаций о терактах 2004 г. и терроризме // Социс. – 2007. - № 8.
12.Мюнклер Х. Терроризм сегодня. Пер. с нем. // Иностранная литература. 2004. № 9. С.218-225.
13.ООН в борьбе с терроризмом // http://www.un.org/ russian/terrorism/index.shtml.
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20.Шаргородская С.Б. Формирование системы обеспечения национальной безопасности Российской Федерации в условиях нарастания угрозы международного терроризма (1992-2004 гг.). - М.: «Прометей», 2007. - 345 с.
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