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Глава I Теоретические основы обучения аудированию
1. К истории вопроса
1.2. Характеристика вопроса и основные категории
1.2. Характеристика вопроса и основные категории
1.3 Подбор материала для обучения
Глава II Методика обучению аудированию на начальном этапе
2.1 Анализ учебно-методического комплекса
2.2 Методика работы
Проблема овладения умением аудирования на младшем этапе обучения (англ. яз)
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
N 4 Listen and make a short your own story about Moscow ( Part TWO)
Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic and cultural center. It was founded 8 centuries ago by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Historians have accepted the year of 1147 as the start of Moscow's history. Gradually the city became more and more powerful. In the 13th century Moscow was the center of the struggle of Russian lands for the liberation from the tartar yoke. In the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible Moscow became the capital of the new united state. Though Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1712, Moscow remained the heart of Russia.Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about 900 square km. The population of the city is over 8 million people.Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. The Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. The main Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become the symbol of the country. On the territory of Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower, the Palace of Congress, the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. St. Basil's Cathedral was built in the mid-16th century in memory of the victory over Kazan. There is a legend, that Ivan the Terrible blinded the architects Barma and Postnik, because he didn't want them to create another masterpiece.Moscow is famous for its theatres. The best known of them is the Bolshoi Opera House. Drama theatres and studios are also very popular.Moscow is a city of students. There are over 80 higher educational institutions in it, including several universities.Moscow is the seat of the Russian Parliament and the center of political life of the country.
N 5 Публицистический текст
Before listening look at the scene in the photographs. ( Part ONE)
What is happening?
When do you think it happened?
Answer the questions.
1. How did the little girl feel on the train?
2. How did her mother and father feel?
3. What do you think the girl felt when she arrived at her new home? Do you think she felt homesick? Excited? lonely?
4. Do you cry when you say goodbye to people?
5. Have you (or anyone in your family) ever left home for a long time?
6. What was the reason?
7. How did you feel when you said goodbye?
8. Have you ever felt homesick?
Early in September 1939, in many cities of Europe, thousands of children left their homes. Some went to live in the country, others went to live in other countries and did not see their parents again for several years. It was the beginning of the Second World War.
‘I was five years old. I went to the railway station with my mum. (My dad was too upset to come and say goodbye.) I got on the train with all the other children. I had a little suitcase in one hand and my doll in the other.
I looked out of the window at Mum and cried as she stood there waving. “You’re going to sleep in a nice bed tonight”, she called out to me. But I didn’t want to go. I wanted to stay with her. Mum started to stiff. I didn’t know what to do. I looked down at my doll because I didn’t want to look at Mum. I didn’t want her to start crying. Mum never cried.
I looked up again to wave but the train started to move. All I could see was Mum’s old blue coat moving away. Then she was gone.
N 6 Научный текст
Write predictions. ( Part TWO)
1. The globe
2. Dry tropical regions
3. Wet tropical regions
4. Tropical storms
5. The middle latitudes
6. The popular ice
IN THE LAST FEW YEARS the news has been full of stories of hurricanes, floods, droughts and other disasters caused by the weather. Scientists agree that something very serious is happening to the world weather.
They now think that in the future:
1. The globe may get warmer.
- Fact: the six warmest years on record were in the 1980s.
2. Dry tropical regions may become drier. Wet tropical regions may become wetter.
- Fact: there has been a drought in Africa’Sahel region for most of the last twenty years. Mosoons have been extremely heave in South East Asia in the last few yeas.
3. Tropical storms may become stronger and more frequent.
- Fact: Hurricane Gilbert was one of the most powerful hurricanes in the Western Hemispere this century. In 1998, winds of over 200 miles per hour hit Venezuela, Mexico, Jamaica and Haiti.
4 The middle latitude of the world may become warmer and drier.
- Fact: the grain-growing areas of the USA and the Russia have recently suffered some of the worst droughts ever recoeded.
5. The popular ice may begin to melt.
- Fact: an iceberg more than twice the size of Luxembourg broke off Antarctica in the autumn of 1997.
N 7 Публицистический текст
Listen to a story and say why it is unusual.
Answer the questions.
1. How long did Alec Guinness’s journey to Hollywood take?
2. Where did he and his friend go to eat?
3. Where did they meet James Dean?
4. What did he show them?
5 What happened a week later?
Sir Alec Guinness is a famous British actor. In his autobiography, he tells the strange story of the night he met James dean, a sensational new Hollywood film star.
‘In the autumn of 1955 I went to Hollywood to make a film. I arrived after a sixteen-hour journey from Copenhagen and was very tired. I went with a friend to a popular Italian restaurant but unfortunately it was full. As we walked back to the car, I heard someone call my name. I turned and saw a fair-haired young man in a sweatshirt and blue jeans.” Do you want a table”. The young man was James Dean.
We turned back and he said: “But first I’d like to show you something”. In front of the restaurant there was a large, shiny silver sports car tied with a ribbon. There was a bunch of red roses on it. “I’ve just got it!” he said. “How fast does it go?” I asked. “About 150miles an hour”, he replied.
Suddenly I spoke in a voice that was strange to me: “Don’t drive that car. If you do, you will be dead this time next week”. James dean just laughed. I apologized and said I was hungry and tired. We went into the restaurant and had a very enjoyable time. We said goodbye an hour later. We didn’t say anuthing more about the sport car.
At four o’clock the next Friday afternoon, James Dean was dead. He crashed his new sports car on the way to a car rally and dead instantly.
N 8 Художественный текст
Answer the questions. ( Part TWO)
1. What two possessions did Della and Jim Dillingham value most highly?
2. How much did Della have to spend on a Christmas present for Jim?
3. How did she manage to buy him a present?
4. What did she buy for Jim?
5. What did Jim buy for her?
6. How did he get the money to buy it?
One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. Three times Della couted it. And tomorrow was Christmas. She sat down on the old sofa and burst into tears. She had saved every penny for months and this was result. Twenty dollars a week doesn’t go far. Only $ 1,87 to buy a present fo Jim. Her Jim. She had spent hours planning to buy something nice for him.
She went to the mirror and let down her hairs. She let it fall to its full length, below her knees.
There were two possessions of which the Dillinghams were very prowd. One was Jim’s gold watch, which had been his grandfather’s. The other was Della’s hair.
She put her hair up again nervously and cried a little again. Then she put on her old brown jacket, her old brown hat and went down the stairs to the street.
She stopped at a sign which read. “Madame Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kinds’. She ran up the stairs.
‘Will you buy my hair?’ asked Della.
‘Take your hat off’, said Madame Sofronie, ’and let me look at it.’
She let her hair down.
‘Twenty dollars’, said Madame.
‘Give it to me quickly’, said Della and the woman began to cut off Della’s beautiful long hair.
For the next two hours Della searched for a present for Jim. Then she found it. It was a platinum chain for Jim’s watch. As soon as she saw it, she knew it was right for Jim. It was like him. Quiet and valuable. It cost $21.
When Della got home, she started to curl her hair. After half and hour, her head was covered in small curls.
At seven o’clock the front door opened and Jim came in. Della whispered to herself: ‘Please God, make him think I am still pretty’. Jim looked thin and serious. Poor Jim! He was only twenty-two! His eyes fixed upon Della and there was an expression on his face which frightened her.
‘Jim, darling, don’t looked at me like that. My hair will grow again. I cut it off and sold it because I wanted to buy you a present. I’ve got a beautiful present for you’.
‘You’ve cut off your hair’, said Jim slowly.
‘Yes, but I’m still me without my hair, aren’t I?’
‘Your hair is gone’, he said again, almost like an idiot.
He took a package from his coat pocket and threw it on the table. Della tore at the string and paper. First, an ecstatic scream. Then, hysterical tears.
For there lay the combs – the set of beautiful, tortoiseshell hair combs which she had wanted for so long. She knew they were expensive.
She hugged them closely and said^’ My hair grows very fast, Jim’. Then she jumped up and gave him her present. The platinum watchchain flashed in the light.
‘Isn’t it beautiful. Jim? Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it.
Jim sat down on the sofa and smiled. ‘Dell,’ he said, ‘let’s put our Christmas present away and keep them for a while. They’re too nice to use at present. I sold the watch to buy your combs. Now let’s have supper’.
The wise men invented the art of giving Christmas presents. This was the story of two foolish young people who sacrificed for each other their most important possessions. But of all who give presents, these two were the wisest.
На примере вышеизложенных текстов преподаватель рассказывает об англоязычных странах, о исторических и научных событиях и фактах, оперативно сообщает информацию, которая предусматривает максимально быстрый отклик учащихся, так как часто задевает эмоциональные сферы жизни.
В книге даны диалоги, упражнения на отработку фонетик, прилагаются аудиокассеты.
I. Подготовительные упражнения на распознавание фонетических единиц:
1.Послушать звуки и определить (дать знак, поднять руку, показать карточку и т.п.) ГЛАСНЫЕ и СОГЛАСНЫЕ звуки:
[r], [a:], [h], [t], [m], [ǽ], [u], [i:], [^], etc.
2.Послушать согласные звуки и определить ГЛУХИЕ и ЗВОНКИЕ согласные;
[d], [s], [r], [t], [m], [r], [z], [g], etc.
3.Послушать звуки и определи ПОХОЖИЕ на звуки русского языка и ОТЛИЧАЮЩИЕСЯ от них;
[m], [θ], [w], [k], [v], [ ǽ ], [f], [3:], [b], etc.
4.Послушать гласные звуки и определить ДОЛГИЕ и КОРОТКИЕ;
5.Послушать слова и определить в них гласные звуки
[a:], [^], [ ǽ ] в словах Bad, farm, duck, car, black, fat, man, jump...
[o:], [ o ] в словах horse, dog, block, corner, daughter, stop ...
[3:], [o:] в словах bird, form, fork, turn, third....
6. Послушать слова и распознать в них согласный звуки
- [w], [v] - when, white, twenty, seven, eleven... и другие.
- Отметить клетки в соответствии с услышанным звуком (Listen and tick (+), then listen again and repeat).
7. Послушать слова и распознать в них похожие по звучанию дифтонги:
[ou]-[au]; [ei] – [ai]; '
house, rose, nose, blouse, play, nice, face, I, my etc.
8. Послушать слово и определить количество слогов:
dog, doctor, farmer, cunning, bicycle, fat, etc.
9. Послушать слово и определить слог под ударением (со зрительной опорой и без нее),
произнести этот слог и это слово:
Ugly, cunning, doctor, tomato, farmer, beautiful, potato, November, etc.
10.Упражнение для физкультминутки:
-прослушать слово и поднять руки (подпрыгнуть, сделать наклон и др.) если услышишь в названном учителем слове звук [n] (или любой другой звук), присесть, если такого звука нет;
11.Послушать слова и определить на какой звук заканчивается слово [d] или[t]:
- stopped, played, worked, opened...( cо зрительной опорой).
- Отметить клетки в соответствии с услышанным звуком. (Listen and tick (+), then listen again and repeat).
12.Прослушать и отметить существительные, имеющие окончания множественного числа:
Monkeys, pigs, hen, boy, farms, trousers, skirt, shoes etc.
13. Отметить клетки в соответствии с услышанным звуком. (Listen and tick (+), then listen again and repeat.)
II. Подготовительные упражнения на распознавание лексических единиц.
1.Прослушать словo и показать соответствующую картинку (еда, животные, действия,
виды спорта, предметы разного цвета, etc.)
2.Прослушать команды – глаголы и показать, выполнить эти действия;
Stand up, jump, fly, wash your face, play tennis, etc.
3.Прослушать предложения и раскрасить предмет в соответствующий цвет:
The lamp is yellow.
The cat is black.
The dog is black. Etc.
4.Прослушать (одно) или ряд прилагательных и назвать слово, которое может с ними употребляется:
Big, high, nice, new ... house.
Blue, nice, short ... dress.
Brave, strong, young ... boy.
5.Прослушать фразу или краткое предложение и назвать ситуацию, в которой они могут употребляться:
Would you like some tea? Hello ; Nice to meet you; No thank you; etc.
6.Прослушать набор отдельных слов и построить из них предложение:
The forest, monkey , live , in. - Monkey lives in the fores
Monday, football, on, play, they. – They play football on Monday.
7.Прослушать 2-3 короткие фразы и построить из них предложение:
To play the piano, would like, he. - He would like to play the piano.
8.Прослушать просьбу и выполнить ее, если есть слово “please”:
9.Прослушать рассказ и определить, от чьего имени он может звучать:
I am big and strong. I am brown. I live in the forest. I like honey. (А bear).
10.Прослушай названия продуктов и назови блюдо, которое можно из них приготовить:
Сabbage, carrot, oil, salt - salad.
Potato, meat, cabbage, water, salt - soup.
11.Прослушать слова и назови вероятное следующее:
Apple, big, cat, dog, egg........ fat ( в соответствии с алфавитным порядком)
12.Прослушать слова и разместить их номера в домики по смыслу:
1.kitchen, 2.map, 3.bathroom, 4.teacher, 5.bed, 6.grandfather etc.
III. Подготовительные упражнения на развитие умений вероятностного
прогнозирования и упражнения WARM-UP ACTIVITIES:
1.Прослушеть набор слов и отметить номера тех, которые подходят к названной теме:
Тема “Shоpping”
1)dress 2)soup 3)grandfather 4)department 5)cash 6) credit-card 7)kitchen etc.
(слова № 1,4,5,6)
2.Прослушать группу слов и назвать их тему:
Blue, red, yellow, brown, black, green ... Colours ( цвета)
Butter, fish, bread, egg, honey, chips ... Food (еда)
3.Прослушать начало слова и произнести его полностью, закончить его:
Beauti... ful, eleph... ant, interes… ting, marme...lade, mush... room etc.
4.Прослушать фразу и добавить к ней еще одну, связанную по смыслу:
Look at this boy. .... He is my friend. Или His name is Dick.
( таким образом можно составить рассказ)
5.Прослушать начало предложения и закончить его, опираясь на значение союзов или союзных слов.
He is at home now, because... ( he is ill).
6.Прослушать ключевые слова и спрогнозировать идею, тему, сюжет:
A boy, ten, Africa, friend, monkey, play, swim, etc.
8. По картинкам, фотографиям, схемам, таблицам спрогнозировать возможный сюжет, тему. ( Warm-up activity)
9. N 3 Listen and complete the form for Adam’s friend Chris. (Part ONE)
Application Form
First names __________________
Title (please tick) Mr____ Mrs____ Miss___ Ms_____
State it (please tick) Married ____ Single ____ Divorced _____
Address __________________
__________________ Postcode__________
Telephone number _________ Age____________
10. N 5 Listen and write the price of each article. Then note the items which the customer thinks are expensive.
1. a box of chocolates
2. a T-shirt
3. a camera
11. N 6 Listen and complete the list of furniture there is in Nina and Guya’s flat in Moscow
Sitting room
a sofa
a table
an …
a big …
a video recorder
a …
a …
a table
two chairs
a …
a …
IV. Упражнения на распознавание грамматических явлений
1.Прослушать существительные и определить их число.
- Показать сигнальную карточку или знак
- Отметь клетки в соответствии с услышанным звуком. (Listen and tick (+) the boxes.)
2.Прослушать предложение и определить его тип (утвердительный, отрицательный, вопросительный), показать сигнальную карточку « + », « - », « ? ».
Сan the dog jump?
Are you seven?
Cats like milk.
My brother is not a student.
Tigers live in the Zoo.
I have no sister.
3.Прослушать предложения и показать карточку с пропущенным словом:
He … big. Monkeys … cunning.
Nick … brave. I … six.
The girl … shy. My father … a doctor.
Nick and I … friends. The boys … in the park. Etc
4.Упражнение такого же типа с глаголами HAVE или HAS.
5.Прослушать глагол (неправильный) и определить его форму:
Gone -3, did – 2, make -1, wrote -2, bought -2,3, put -1,2,3; etc.
6.Прослушать слова – указатели времени и назвать соответствующие видо-временные формы глагола:
now - Present Progressive
already - Present Perfect etc.
аt 9 о’clock tomorrow - Future Progressive
yesterday - Past Simple
7.Прослушать вопрос и выбрать краткий ответ соответствующей грамматической формы:
(со зрительной опорой)
Yes, he/she is.
Can you play tennis? Yes, he/she can.
Yes, he/she has.
Yes, he/she does. Etc.
V. Речевые упражнения, выполняемые в процессе прослушивания.
1.Найти и обозначить путь движения экскурсии (сыщика или другого действующего лица).
2.Заполнить таблицу (график, кластер) необходимой информацией после прослушивания диалога
Lisa: Good morning, Trevor. You are still half asleep, I see.
Trevor: Hello, Aunt Lisa. Come in. What time is it?
Lisa: It’s ten o’clock. Do you always sleep late?
Trevor: But Aunt Lisa, it’s Sunday today – I never get up early on Sundays.
Lisa: And you don’t make my bed, either?
Trevor: Well, not every Sunday, of course… but I sometimes make my bed on Sundays, after breakfast.
Lisa: You mean you actually cook breakfast.
Trevor: Oh, no – you see, I always have coffee for breakfast.
Lisa: Yes, so do I … but what do you eat?
Trevor: Nothing, I just have coffee.
Lisa: But that isn’t healthy …Do you go to the gym?
Trevor: Yes, I do, but I seldom go to the gym on Sundays.
Lisa: What do you do then? Do you study?
Trevor: Study? Of course not! Actually, I usually watch TV in the afternoon.
Lisa: It isn’t good for you to sit inside all day, Trevor. Don’t you ever go out?
Trevor: Oh, yes, I do! On Sunday evenings, my friends and I often go to the cinema.
Lisa: That’s good.
Список литературы
1. Александров Д.Н. Контроль и формирование учебной познавательной активности учащихся // Контроль в обучении иностранным языкам в средней школе. – М., 1991. – с.71 -75
2. Бакони И., Словинский С., Щукин А.Н. Современное состояние и пути совершенствования аудивизуальных и технических средств для обучения русскому языку как иностранному // Научные традиции и новые направления в преподании русского языка и литературы. – М., 1996. – с.51
3. Быкова Л.И. Эффективное обучение младших школьников – залог будущих успехов в изучении иностранного языка // Иностранные языки в школе – 2001 - № 4 – с.32-38
4. Браун Д. Восприятие английской речи на слух : Книга для учителя на английском языке. – М. : Просвещение, 1984 .
5. Брейгина М.Е. О контроле базового уровня обученности // Иностр.языки в школе. – 2001. - № 5. – с.22 -32
6. Васильева М.М. Условия формирования мотивации при изучении иностранного языка // Иностр. Языки в школе. – 1981. - № 2. – с 41-45
7. Вайнрайх У. Языковые контакты. Психология билингвизма. Сб.науч. трудов МГПИИЯ им. М. Тореза. – М., 1986ю – Вып.206. – с.74
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