
Современные направления обучения ин. яз.-ку в зарубежной методике.

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Современные направления обучения ин. яз.-ку в зарубежной методике.

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His initial salary was $150 a week, but his overnight success on the screen spurred other producers to start negotiations for him. After 35 comedies and the completion of his contract with Mack Sennett, Chaplin moved on to the Essanay Company in 1915 at a large increase in salary.
Chaplin wrote, directed and acted in all of his fims with Essanay except one («The Redemption»).
The following year Charlie signed with the Mutual Film Corporation for a much larger sum to make 12 two-reel comedies.
When his contract with Mutual expired in 1917, Chaplin decided to become an independent producer and start his own studio. His studio was situated in the heart of the residential section of Hollywood at La Brea Avenue.
Early in 1918, Chaplin entered into an agreement with First National Exhibitors’ Circuit, a new organization specially formed to distribute his pictures. His first film under this new deal was «A Dog’s Life». After this production, he turned his attention to a national tour on behalf of the war effort, following which he made a film the US government used to popularize the «Liberty Loan drive: The Bond”.
October 23, 1918, Chaplin married Mildred Harris, a young child star. Marriage seemed to be a distraction for Chaplin causing more delays than normal in the filming of his next film «Sunnyside».
Chaplin returned to the US in 1972 to receive his special Academy Award Oscar.
In 1975 he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, and became Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin.
Chaplin was the author of at least four books: «My Trip Abroad», «A Comedian Sees the World», «My Autobiography», «My Life in Pictures» as well as all of his scripts. An accomplished musician, though self-taught, he played a variety of instruments (playing violin and cello left-handed). He was also a composer, having written and published many songs as well as the soundtracks for all his films.
He died on Christmas day 1977, survived by eight children from his last marriage with Oona O’Neill, and one son from his marriage to Lita Grey.
2) В следующем задании «Dog Breeds» (Породы собак) учащиеся выбирают по предложенному описанию одну из пород собак и на время становятся выбранной собакой, рассказывая о том, как легко и нелегко живется им в качестве собаки в мире людей. Цель ролевой игры - развитие личности, речевых способностей, внимания, мышления, памяти и воображения учащегося, а также мотивации к дальнейшему овладению английским языком.
Afghan hounds used to be very fashionable a decade ago.
Alsatians make good guide dogs for the visually impaired.
Sissy, a three-year-old boxer dog, didn't take to having her teeth cleaned by a vet.
Brian is like a Bulldog, he won't let go.
Another dog which is particularly diffucult to train is the Chow Chow.
She smiled, and the dog, a Collie, growled menacingly at her.
The Dalmatian bit his arm before he shook it loose and ran off.
Then Bertie, an English setter they had found two years ago, had to be put down.
Back when he was eight, he had a nice little white fox terrier all to his own.
Greyhound racing is very popular in the UK.
They have been banned from keeping a dog after admitting being cruel to a husky.
Your Poodle will benefit from brushing daily.
Tuscany is as good a place as anywhere else to breed pugs.
There are Giant, Standard and Miniature Schauzers.
This spitz is very friendly and completely house-trained.
3) В данном задании учащимся предлагается заполнить пропуски в следующих предложениях, вставляя слова в скобках в правильной форме, что позволяет вовремя определить или предупредить грамматические ошибки учащихся.
1. We ____ friends. Right? (to be)
2. Where ___ he work? – He’s a shop assistant in Harrold’s. (to do)
3. She is a ___ player than me. (good)
4. I _____ count to 10 in Spanish! (can)
5. Sorry, he is out. He ______ .(to have lunch)
6. I know that you _______ married in 1970. (not to be)
7. He ________ to my birthday party last year. (not to come)
8. Oh, I ____ to London. (to never be)
9. There’s somebody at the door. – Don’t worry. I ___ (to answer).
10. Nowadays almost nobody ___ a uniform at school. (to wear)
11. It’s so hot here. Would you mind ___ the window? (to open)
12. I ____ tennis since the age of 10. (to play)
13. What will you do if he ___ you to a party? (to invite)
14. I bought this drum when we ___ a holiday in Jamaica. (to have)
15. The poem ___ in Arabic some centuries ago. (to write)
16. Then she dialed the number which he ___ for her at the phone. (to leave)
17. Your neighbours are so nice. If I were you, I ___ to another flat. (to never move)
18. These days people ____ more and more interested in sports. (to get)
19. He said he ___ her in his childhood. (to like)
20. The good news is that the criminals ___ . (to arrest)
21. You can’t go that way because the road ___ . (to repair)
22. My flowers have died! - You should ___ them. (to water)
4) В следующем задании главным является фонетическая сторона речи, так как адекватное произношение и различение на слух всех звуков и звукосочетаний английского языка очень важно при обучении английскому языку. Соблюдение норм произношения: долготы и краткости гласных, отсутствие оглушения звонких согласных в конце слога или слова, отсутствие смягчения согласных перед гласными. Ударение в слове, фразе, отсутствие ударения на служебных словах (артиклях, союзах, предлогах), членение предложений на смысловые группы. Ритмико-интонационные особенности повествовательного, побудительного и вопросительных предложений. Все учащиеся повторяют за преподавателем или за кассетой скороговорки.
1) Six selfish shellfish.
2) She sells sea shells on the sea shore. The shells that she sells are sea shells, I am sure.
3) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
4) Sister Suzie sits and sews sailors' shirts.
5) The hammerman hammers the hammer on the hard highroad.
6) Robert Rowley rolled a round roll round.
7) Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
8) The heith police dismisseth us.
9) Unique New York.
10) William always wears a very warm woolen vest in winter. Victor however will never wear woolen underwear even in the wild west.
11) Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy? Why, Willy?
Why, Willy? Why?
12) Swan swam over the sea.
Swim, swan, swim!
Swan swam back again.
Well, swan, swam!
13) Little lady Lilly lost her lovely locket,
Lucky little Lucy found the lovely locket.
Lovely little locket lay in Lucy's pocket,
Lazy little Lucy lost the lovely locket!
14) A sunshiny shower won't last half an hour.
5) Изучаем английские поговорки. Такое задание направлено на коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся посредством усвоения реалий другой культуры.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
<Реже видишь, больше любишь.>
Accidents will happen.
<В жизни все может случиться.>
Actions speak lowder than words.
<Не верь словам, а верь делам.>
All cats are grey in the dark.
<Ночью все кошки серы.>
All in good time.
<Всему свое время.>
All is fair in love and war.
<В любви и на войне все средства хороши.>
All is not gold that glitters.
<Не все то золото, что блестит.>
All is well that ends well.
<Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.>
Appearances are deceptive.
<Наружность обманчива.>
The appetite comes with eating.
<Аппетит приходит во время еды.>
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
<Лук от семи недуг.>
Art is long, life is short.
<Жизнь коротка, искусство вечно.>
As a man lives, so shall he die.
<Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.>
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
<Красота - в глазах смотрящего.>
Beggars can not be choosers.
<Богатому как хочется, бедному как можется.>
Best defence is attack.
<Лучшая защита - нападение.>
The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good.
<От добра добра не ищут.>
Better a small fish than an empty dish.
<Съешь морковку, когда яблока нет.>
Better late than never.
<Лучше поздно, чем никогда.>
6) Отгадай загадку. Основная цель задания: восприятие иностранного текста, понимание на слух речь учителя и дать правильный ответ на поставленную задачу.
1) I strike each hour.
But don't forget:
You must not strike me,
My good friend!
(A clock)
2) I go at night and all the day,
But I never go away.
(A clock)
3) I have no legs,
But I can run.
I have no tongue
But I tell everyone:
"Time to start work!"
"Time to go to bed!"
"Time to get up again,
You, sleepy-head!"
(An alarm clock)
4) It's not very big,
But it hangs in the middle of the room.
In the daytime nobody wants it,
But at night everybody needs it.
(A lamp)
5) This is a house
With one window in it,
Showing films
Nearly every minute.
(A TV set)
6) I have legs - one, two, three, four
But I cannot walk across the floor.
(A chair)
7) If you want to get rid of dust,
Then I'm surely an absolute must.
From every corner and every hook
I'll suck it out by hook and by crook.
(A vacuum cleaner)
8) The funny fellow is on the watch,
He doesn't sleep by day,
He stands in our garden
And frightens birds away.
(A scarecrow)
9) What goes up and down at the same time?
(A staircase)
10) What has two arms and four legs?

Список литературы

Список использованной литературы
1.Аверина Е.Д. Иностранный за 200 часов.- СПб.: Руди-Баре, 1994.- 128 с.
2.Алхазишвили А.А. Основы овладения устной иностранной речью.- М.: Просвещение, 1988.- 128 с.
3.Английский язык. Школа с углубленным изучением иностранных языков.- М.: Просвещение, 2000.- 144 с.
4.Бердичевский А.Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку в педагогическом вузе / Научное теоретическое пособие. – М.: Высшая школа, 1989.- 103 с.
5.Вопросы методики обучения иностранным языкам за рубежом / Сост. Е.В. Синявская, М.М. Васильева, С.В. Калинина.- М.: Просвещение, 1978.- 192 с.
6.Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам.- М.: АРКТИ, 2000.- 165 с.
7.Глухов Б.А., Щукин А.Н. Термины методики преподавания русского языка как иностранного.- М.: Русский язык, 1993.- с. 100.
8.Гуннемарк Э.В. Искусство изучать языки / Пер. со швед. Д.Л. Спивака.- СПб.: ТЕССА, 2001.- 208 с.
9.Деркач А.А., Щербан С.Ф. Педагогическая эвристика: Искусство обладания иностранным языком.- М.: Педагогика, 1991.- 224 с.
10.Кабинет иностранного языка / Пол. ред. Е.С. Полат.- М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2003.- 208 с.
11.Krashen S. and Terrell T. The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom. – Pergamon Press, 1983.- 125 p.
12.Лингводидактические проблемы обучения иностранным языкам / отв. ред. Г.А. Бабаева, Н.В. Баграмова.- СПб.: Изд. С-Пб ун-та, 2001.- 188 с.
13.Медведева О.И. Творчество учителя на уроках английского языка: Из опыта работы.- М.: Просвещение, 1991.- 63 с.
14.Остапенко К.К. Английский язык через сказку.- СПб.: КАРО, 2005.- 192 с.
15.Тестирование по иностранным языкам в США.- М., 1970.– 165 с.
16.Томахин Г.Д. Лингвострановедение - что это такое? / Иностранные языки в школе // №6.- 1996.- 120 с.
17.Kramsh Cl. Context and Culture in Language Teaching. - Oxford, 1993.- 178 p.
18.Swan M. Language teaching is teaching language / In: IATEFL Annual Conference Report, 1996.- 163 p.
19.Willis J. A Framework for Task-based Learning. Longman, 1996.- 159 p.
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