
Анализ индустрии и разработка бизнес плана по созданию мужского закрытого клуба

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Код 334515
Дата создания 07 июля 2013
Страниц 64
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Chapter 1 Industry Overview
A Industry description, background and overview
1 Mention that the focal company is part of this industry
2Give a brief overview of what the industry does
3 Discuss some of the history that is relevant to the analysis.
B Products and services
1 Description of overall industry value chain
C Major Customer groups
D Significant trends
E Growth rate
2 Key competitors
A Brief description of the focal company
B Brief description of each key competitor
3 Industry Analysis
A Societal environment analysis
C Key success factors (KSFs) in the industry
D Outlook for the future
Chapter 2: Business Plan
1.0Executive Summary
1.3Keys to Success
1.4Summary of Financial Request
2.0 Company Summary
2.1 Company Ownership
2.2 Start-up Summary
3.0 Products and Services
3.1 Product/Service Description
3.2 Patent or trademark protection
3.3 Future product or service offerings
4.0 Market Analysis Summary
4.1 Market Segmentation
4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy
4.3 Business Analysis
4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns
4.3.2 Competitor Comparison
5.0Web Plan Summary
5.1Website Marketing Strategy
5.2Development Requirements
6.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary
6.1 SWOT Analysis
6.2 Competitive Edge
6.3 Business Strategy
6.4 Marketing Strategy
6.5 Sales Strategy
6.5.1 Sales Forecast
7.0 Management Summary
7.1 Personnel Plan
8.0 Location and Layout
9.0Financial Plan
9.1 Start-up Funding
9.2 Important Assumptions
9.3 Break-even Analysis
9.4 Projected Profit and Loss
9.5 Projected Cash Flow
9.6 Projected Balance Sheet
9.7 Business Ratios
Chapter 3: Strategies Considered but Rejected


Анализ индустрии и разработка бизнес плана по созданию мужского закрытого клуба

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

2.0 Company Summary
2.1 Company Ownership
2.2 Start-up Summary
3.0 Products and Services
3.1 Product/Service Description
3.2 Patent or trademark protection
3.3 Future product or service offerings
4.0 Market Analysis Summary
4.1 Market Segmentation
4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy
4.3 Business Analysis
4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns
4.3.2 Competitor Comparison
5.0 Web Plan Summary
5.1 Website Marketing Strategy
5.2 Development Requirements
6.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary
6.1 SWOT Analysis
6.2 Competitive Edge
6.3 Business Strategy
6.4 Marketing Strategy
6.5 Sales Strategy
6.5.1 Sales Forecast
6.6 Milestones
7.0 Management Summary
7.1 Personnel Plan

Список литературы

1.Bulatova N.N., Alexeys V.M. Comments to the project of the business plan (manual). - Ulan-Ude: Publishing house VSGTU, 2005. - 40 p.
2.Haltaeva S.R., Jakovleva I.A. Business planning. The manual. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing house VSGTU, 2005. - 170 p.
3.Hill B., Pauer D. Business angel: how to involve money and experience under realization of the business ideas, M.:Ecsmo, 2008.- 496 p.
4.Investment attractibility of Russian public catering market//www.analyticgroup.ru/news/?id=31
5.Lyapunov S.I. Financial business plan.-М: Finance and statistics, 2007.-258 p.
6.Plishkina A. Business planning of public catering establishments. - 90 p.
7.Public catering growth will exceed pre-crisis level in //http://www.cafenews.ru/razvitie-restorannogo-biznessa/1814-v-2011
8.Russian public catering market //Intesco Research Group, 2011
9.Stanislavchik E.N. Business plan: Project management investment - M.:Os’-89, 2009.-. 128 p.
10.Zell A. Business plan: investments and financing, project planning and an estimation.- M.:Os’-89, 2007.-240 p.
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